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Archie Karas NGC Black Book

Archie Karas Gets Black Booked by Nevada Gaming Commission

Archie Karas, one of the world’s most legendary gamblers and the man who rode the greatest hot streak of all time to $40 million,... Staff Writer September 18, 2015
Donald Trump Jeb Bush GOP debate casinos Florida

Donald Trump and Jeb Bush Duke It Out At Second GOP Debate, Casino Issues Come Under Fire

Donald Trump continued his ratings boom at the second GOP debate last night, and casinos briefly made a cameo in the fiery topics that... Staff Writer September 17, 2015

Caesars Slapped with $9.5M Fine for Anti-Money Laundering Regulation Snafus

Caesars Entertainment, currently embroiled in protracted bankruptcy proceedings, probably doesn't need any more financial woes. But you don't want to mess with the feds,... Staff Writer September 10, 2015