• 77,952,429
  • 996
  • high
    Stake Level
  • 50 - Champion
    RPP Level

About Me

I have been playing poker since 2004, 2005 for about 18, 19 years. I like to play the best poker possible, by making the right poker decisions. I like playing tough players, and players that try their best, and dont goof off like a poker joker bingo clown.

Harrington on Hold Em and Jonathon Little's Poker coaching Academy, Upswing Poker, videos, etc are my favorite poker resources.

I came to Replay Poker because I heard that despite it being play chips, its very competitive.

I did not buy play chips. I started with 20k in play chip bankroll and have grinded that up to 3 million chips in about 1 month winning 7 tournaments, and cashing a lot of tournaments in top 5, and made top 25 regional american leaderboard.

I am active on Replay Poker Forum, and have posted MTT strategy post. I am in the Nordic Warriors league, where I finished 2nd in 1 league tourney and final tabled the 2nd league tourny, as chip leader, before getting bad beat for the 3rd, 4th, 5th time in the tourny before getting bad beat out. I got knocked out early in the 3rd league tourny by a bad beat.

I like playing against tough, hard to beat players, because it sharpens my skills, etc for real money poker games.