74 and living a dream in the Ozark Mountains - 47 acre private lake that is filtered and aerated by solar power, with heat in winter - water stays a minimum of 45 degrees in winter - filtration system keeps summer temps at a maximum of 77 degrees - 25 acres of Black Walnut and 18 acres of Pecan trees whose nuts and wood (controlled) sales yearly pay for all lake maintenace and misc. costs - filled with Goggle Eye (Rock Bass) Cutthroat/Brownies/Rainbow and Steelhead trout - also have Smallmouth/Largemouth bass with Channel, Yellow, Flathead and Blue catfish - have White and Black Crappie - largest Blue ever caught was 63 lbs. - largest Smallmouth was 6.9 lbs. - biggest Rainbow was a male at 12.4 lbs - other trout average 2-5 lbs. - biggest Goggle Eye (Rock Bass) was the size of a small dinner plate - largest channel was 34 lbs even - biggest Largemouth was 14.4 lbs. - largest Crappie was 5.4 lbs. - retired from USMC as a 1371 Combat Engineer after 32 years of service (went in at 18) at Master Gunnery Sgt rank - married to same woman for 54 years - log cabin is a old 5 bedroom/3 bath with one main room fireplace, one small fireplace for each bathroom and one small fireplace for each bedroom, built in 1834 and remodeled and updated in 2001 - we foster all types/sex and breeds of wildlife, (214 to date) - over the years have kept 45 of those fosters - longest living cat was 25 years with felines averaging 15 years each - longest living canine was 19 years with averages of 15 years - adopted four children who have given us 7 great great grand children and 5 grand children - our favorite felines are Norwegian Forest - our favorite canines are Catahoula Leopards - and believe it or not, our other favorite wildlife are little stinkers (baby Skunks due to their playful mischief) and Ferrets with an occasional ornery Weasel - all lake fish are Catch and Release with no exceptions to that rule - yearly permits to fish the lake unlimited days are $1,000.00 per person - (all those proceeds are for care of pets medical and misc. expenses for wildlife and upkeep of all property) - we genrally average lake yearly permit sales at around 50, give or take 5% ----- My wife and I enjoy our favorite vehicle, but drive it seldom because of poor mileage (4-6 mpg) - A 1970 GTX with a 426 Hemi with two four barrel carbs and floor console automatic shifter ----- It requires 105 minimum octane, so we have to buy octane boosters for it with todays gas low octane ----- and we have broke the 150 mph speedometer on it twice when in Vegas at the two highways that have no speed limits --
Reward good play and behavior
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