  • 7,786,247
  • 6,094
  • high
    Stake Level
  • 50 - Champion
    RPP Level

About Me

I live in North Carolina. In addition to poker, I enjoy travel, photography, and languages. Daniel Negreanu is my favorite poker pro. I have been playing poker for a long time...a really long time.

When I sit down at a table I am looking for a group of people who are there to enjoy the game. If people want to chat, that's fine. If they don't want to chat, that is also fine.

I do not tolerate vulgar language or crassness, nor do I do well with whiny bags or poor sportsmanship in general. If you display this behavior, expect my censure. If you don't modify your behavior I will mute you.

Here is the reason that I expect a higher level of decorum at the tables. The human brain is programmable like a computer. Anything downloaded will remain there forever; it can not be deleted. I do not want my brain filled for all time with your vulgarity. I am asking you to bring not only your best game but also your best self when you take a seat here on Replay.

Most questions I will answer. But don't ask me how old I am, if I am married, or exactly where I live, because I won't tell you.

I hope we can have an enjoyable time together at the tables.

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12 months ago
12 months ago

Endorsements Rank: 1

Reward good play and behavior

Poker Pro
Good Sport

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