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921506035 Str8 fls vs. str8 fls vs fh #724475030 Str8 vs. set vs.set #788328059 FH vs.FH vs Fls vs.FLS #910477679 FH vs. Nut fls. #894468125 Fis vs.fls vs.fls #897686210 Str8 fls vs. Nut fls. vs ? #880157657 4 of kind vs. AA vs. top pr. #838010971 Str8 vs. set vs.Top 2 #793342040 4 of Kind vs. FH #704763950 Set vs. 2 pr. vs. fls draw? #699402748 Trips vs.Trips vs. Poc AA #827428348 Set vs. Top 2 vs. ? #750374541 4 of kind vs. FH #784792544 FH vs.FH #702541697 FH vs.FH I saw this on another players profile page. I thought it was pretty cool. As a poker player I enjoyed watching there hand play. These hands represent a very small % of the hands I have played on this site. They are not intended to shame my oppnts or the site. ALL cooler hands. However should this offend any oppnt playing in these hands. Please let me know. I will be happy to delete the hand. I would also be interested in any positive feed back. God Bless