• 9,224,135
  • 5,605
  • high
    Stake Level
  • 50 - Champion
    RPP Level

About Me

really enjoy poker and meeting people from all over the world. Before joining replay, I had never played poker before. I played my first game of poker here on replay in October 2022. I am a proud member and co-organizer of the early bird league playing for the Kingzratz.

In the forever Phil League, I play for the monk's mystics and Infinitum. I am also play in the Globetrotters WeedWackers and Minions in the TPP Leauge.

The real world I am a registered nurse working in an ICU, hard work, sometime heart breaking but I love my job. I also train care giver to care for the elderly and dementia patients

stay safe and always have fun