- 24,317,375Chips
- 2,576rank
- highStake Level
- 50 - ChampionRPP Level
About Me
April 2020 Stuck at home. Wandered internet and this is the best site I've found for people who know what they're doing (usually). Couple of games a day is keeping me sane (mostly.) Good luck to you (sort of.) Now March of '21 and after almost solid year of sitting at home playing Replay, the pandemic closures are starting to re-open around here. The good news is the poker club I belong to opens 3-15-21 after being closed 368 days. I do better there than I do here and it's more fun and engaging. Well, what a surprise! Replay is offering a game with terrific odds. I just paid 20k to enter a 7-stud game offering 500k/300k/200k to the top 3. Only 15 peeps were in the game. It doesn't take David Sklansky to figure out THESE odds. I played twice; won once. Net? 460k. I'll be playing tomorrow. Guess what ... I won again. Woohoo !! 4 steps to Million paid off handsomely as I got the Mill and followed up with a cash in Million Tourney. Now over 15M. Hope my good fortune continues. Indeed, I have used QFM to win TEN million $ tickets. Not a great deal of return YET. We'll see how that goes. PKO is a big winner. picked up 3M in the past couple of weeks. Gonna keep at that. My compliments to Replay for coming up with new and challenging games; especially since I just got another 4.4M playing 250PKO. Now 22M and headed North! NOT TRUE. HAVE HIT THE DUMPER. Not used to getting my butt kicked. Past month has been brutal. CUT IT OUT!!!!! Thankfully, cards have no memory. Won another PKO tourney and picked up an extra 2M. YaY