*** Note: I won't be on Replay as often anymore due to finding a new site where I can make $$ instead of playing for free; it was nice to meet you all, I'll still play every now and then when I'm too tired or tilted to risk real money ***
Friendly and Honourable. Bluff-catcher. I keep copious notes and I will avenge all my bad beats! :) Fine if a better hand beats me, but turn into Phil Hellmuth if I'm beaten by garbage.
I change my profile pic every tourney to match my current mood.
I'm tilted by unjust play, garbage hands, donkeys, NPC's, people who Spaz-allin, and bad beats (and here on Replay to use that emotion to grow as a person; a work-in-progress.. every-friggin-day.. actually I think this site is bad for my mental health!).
I'll never say "nice hand" if your hand is junk (I'm more likely to tilt-shame in chat and call it out for what it is) & I don't communicate with shorthand or do any of that gh nh stuff unless you have a royal, quads or truly a work-of-art deserving hand.
I have trust issues and have a tendency to call your all-in re-raises if it feels fishy.