- 12,713,085Chips
- 4,373rank
- highStake Level
- 50 - ChampionRPP Level
About Me
I am a Hispanic Male, and like to spend some evenings playing computer card games. Replay games have a realistic environment, and the tables are user friendly. I stole the horse picture from a horse in Mexico or San Antonio Texas, close to the Alamo, or maybe Ciudad Juarez, or Tijuana Mexico. The name Chilapo is not my real name. I also stole it from a weird guy I met at work. He said he was from Chilapa Mexico. I don't know if there is a city with such name, but he has a strange name, hard to remember, so we tried to find him a proper name, and one day, I called him Chilapo, and I think it fit him perfectly. Since, I am the one to say the name first I also claimed it to myself, and I use it to hide my identity. The name has nothing to do with "chill" or "cool".