- 38,474,963Chips
- 1,768rank
- highStake Level
- 50 - ChampionRPP Level
About Me
100% off grid for over 35 years. Solar and hydro. For those who don't know... that means the electric grid, not society . Union crane operator. Very novice player but i'm learning. Well OK maybe i'm not a novice anymore but I'm still learning. I chat during a game, don't care if you answer. Won't stop me. But being polite won't hurt you either... More often than not, I show my hand. I don't expect anyone else to do so BUT on certain hands it is nice to know. I play in Sharon Smarty's Dream Weaver League and having a great time with it! Opened a Rocket Mass Heater store on line this year. dragontechrmh.com