- 479,404Chips
- 25,047rank
- highStake Level
- 50 - ChampionRPP Level
About Me
Yes, very special! The gift was 750,000 chips from my friend John! When I left a table this Saturday morning, I was startled to see my bank had 756,759 chips. I thought I was seeing something wrong or Replay was displaying it wrong. But no - I did indeed see 756,759 chips.
Checking my Inbox, I found a new message with the note: “Play with caution – No more all in with a pair off 3's lol.”
I was about to write to John immediately with something like “What the hell are you doing?” or “I don’t need your charity”… But then I calmed down a bit. I sent John a message a few hours later and promised I’d write back to him soon.
Thinking it over, John isn’t a close friend of mine. We barely talk, just exchanging pleasantries over the poker table. So why did John send me 750K chips ? I found out you can’t just send your own chips to someone else, you can only buy to send to friends.
Yes, John must have bought them and sent them to me for $34.99!
Meanwhile, I have never spent a cent to buy chips.
Such a wonderful gesture! Even more astonishing, I hardly know who he is – Really something to ponder!
You must have been concerned about me not having chips to play and felt sorry for me missing out on the 500K, 1M, or 2M tournaments!
And here's why, my friend. When I had 60-70M chips in my account, you saw it, I played all day! I spent so much time on Replay. The tournaments are always there, very tempting! I was neglecting my work and even reducing time with my family! What the heck happened? Guess what?
@@@@ It seems like I got addicted to playing poker! @@@@
So I burned through all the chips quickly in about 3 days. The worst thing is this was the second time I've done this. I even permanently closed another account, deleted the related email box so I couldn't recover that account. After the chips dwindled to a few Ks, I only played in a few small tournaments in the evening and quickly got out. I almost stopped playing during the day. I felt much better.
= I'm sure some of my friends, maybe you too – reading this – might have felt the same... =
After John's wonderful gesture, should I return the chips to him? Should I send him back $34.99? Should I just burn through them to avoid “playing all day”? I need to think about this. Playing should be a pleasure !
One thing I realized. Most of us don't think we'll have real friends on Replay. Yet, there are still amazing people like John. Thanks, John, and thanks to you too, Tyg, Kelly, Cleo, Jenna, Mod … and all my other friends here on Replay !
If you see me on Replay too much, tell me: STOP PLAYING the day long David!
=== See you on the tables (less) ! David
@ With a little bit of assistance from ChatGPT in correcting spelling mistakes