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  • 50 - Champion
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About Me

Been losing at poker for years .I care for my 78 yr. old mother in law who is in last stages of Alzheimers . Have to do all. Totally dependent. Cant talk , but , she can sure screech , and , yell . all day long , Non stop. Am i rambling .These sites are new to me ,so bare with me .They may reverse my own insanity! From providing the care of course ! ??????? Nope, not working. Have learned rankings don't mean much. 25 bucks and your #1 so. Hey, good news ! Found an old R.V down the Ditch a ways.When the rains come,hopefully, it'll wash on down this way. Got a couple windows in it still ! cool. Well, the rains came, and, the RV went to that sob on the next bend-over. Get it ? next bend over? lol lol ...Not such a bad winter though. With the rains came regional flooding, which means floating fodder. You may want to pass on the bread though,those little wire twist ties don't keep much out. Feel me? Well gonna see if i can't snag me a beer floating by.Caught one the other day already opened ! Tasted a little funny though.Kinda , maybe made my belly a little queasy. Hope i can catch a roll of paper towels, or something. Hell, I don't even care if they are wet. Come to papa. Well ,as all things come to pass, so to do people.HEY YOU GOT A COUPLE BUCKS THIS FRIDAY, HOW ABOUT DONATING TO A CURE FOR ALZHEIMERS. THE DISEASE ( SP ) REALLY SUCKS. THANK YOU. mom-in -law passed thru dec. 29. out lived doc's guess by 3 years, 2 months. finally did something right

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