• 54,927,833
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About Me

No, the name doesn't have a biblical connection. It's just that 17 used to be my lucky number until I started playing hold'em and there are no 17's in this game. Dang!

I'm a retired Fed--31 years with the good ol' IRS. (Don't blame us--it's that supremely ignorant group of 536 elected people in D.C. who write our insane tax laws). Lived in Fla, Ga, NC, Maryland and DC. Now living in NC about one-half way between Greensboro and Raleigh. Don't believe those Tarheels that tell you their BBQ is the best. My favorite was from Atlanta.

Also the best football in the country is found in Columbus, Ohio where I graduated in the early 70's. Think Archie Griffin and Jack Tatum and Woody Hayes. Don't think about those miscreants at "that school up North". Go Bucks!!!!

In addition to Replay, I enjoy playing in local taverns with the "World Tavern Poker" group. You get to play poker for free and no gambling for money is allowed--it's just playing for pride. Look it up on the internet and check it out. There are groups in 37 states in the US. (none outside the USA, so I don't know why they call it the "world" tavern group) The games are almost uniformly friendly and I have met a lot of nice players. Women are welcome (at least 25% of the players in my games are women) .

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