- 13,167,497Chips
- 4,273rank
- highStake Level
- 50 - ChampionRPP Level
About Me
im The DeviL not ur ball catcher...\
HeLan Lux Heralds the Dawn.
My Rules:
- Do not Slow RoLL me.
- Nobody cares of what you think for yourself.
- Resist Fighting sEnse oF HuMor or fighTing in generaL.
- Do not be sarcastic, moronic, trolling etc that is automute.
- Do not be eager to gain and less eager to spent.
- Do not Make peRsonaL Questions out of The BluE, i do not want to share more ....than i want to share less.
- Feeling emotional about me will lead to a falling out and i am detached from it, so try to dissolve this matter.
- So..IF everything is Fading and you can see a Red Flag....thats a No!
UnicornAngels (M/F) InstilL in me S.U.E (Strong Unpleasant Emotions).
So..U WilL Not Find Amazons in the Forest (Penthesilea-Trojan War), only Squirrels that wnbe Valkyries..