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some reviews of this rigged site from the internet. google search it and you will find many reviews like the 2 reviews below. There are not my reviews but I 100 percent agree with the 2 reviews below, read them carefully , they are telling you the absolute truth:
Fullhouses beating fullhouses. K high flushes losing to A high flush. And the bad beats go on...Same players always winning. Last card always clinching the win for those selected players. Replay personnel always having to spin and lie about their "certified shuffle" which Replay knows it's a headfake they can skirt around. What more proof does one need when your eyes have seen it time and time again. This is not a Poker game but a scam site that uses poker cards to trick, manipulate, players with computer programmed set up cards to keep you in play until the end when the house wins with that that last card. It is all by design. Computer programmers job to get you to think you are a good player..Not on this garbage site. Replay poker is a sucker game, that is why they hand out free chips. They know they will get them back
Date of experience: October 12, 2024
EASY TO DEBUNK EASY TO DEBUNK: Replay claims to be a fair dealing site, who doesn't manipulate there deal. They even have an official certificate to prove this claim. People/ Businesses make claims every day. Some are true, some are not. So lets put Replays claim that they are a fair dealing poker site, with honesty/ integrity and would never manipulate there deal/shuffle to the test. That test is math. And as we all know Math doesn't/cant lie. 1+1 always = 2 2+2 always = 4. In less than 400k hands I have been dealt at least (5) Royal Flushes. What does math have to say about this? Math says I should make a Royal Flush 1 in every 649,740 hands dealt to me. How many hands should I have to play to make (5) Royal Flushes? 649,740 x 5 = 3,248,700 hands. Seems replay has a math problem. What do you think? In these 400k hands I have played, I have also made at least (15) straight Flushes. What does math have to say about this? I will make a str8 flushes. 1 in 72,193 hands dealt to me. 15 x 72,193= 1,082,900. Again it seems replay has a math problem to prove there claims true. of not manipulating there deals. In the (15) str8 flushes I have made, another player in (2) of those hands have also made a str8 flush. The odds of this happening are so miniscule 00,000,000,024%.This is billions of hands folks, yet replay with claims of not manipulating there deal, managed to deal these hands to me, not once, but twice in 400K hands I have played. Is this a miracle or cheating? Replays claims aren't looking all that truthful according to math. There is another player on replay who has (16) Royal FLUSHES saved to his home page he has been dealt on replay. How many hands would he have to be dealt to make (16) Royal Flushes? According to math 16 x 649,740= 10,395,840. How many hands has he played? I don't know. What I do know is replay post a top 10 list of players who have played the most hands on replay. The top player has approx 3.5 million hands played. The player with (16) Royal Flushes isn't on this list. So again math calling replay a liar. The player with 3.5 million hands played, is a loosing player, and still buying REPLAYS worthless chips. As is the case with most of the players on this list. They have spent thousands upon thousands of real money buying REPLAYS worthless BS chips. While being deceived and cheated by replay. This is a mathematical fact, not my opinion. When I envision the types of people who buy these chips. This is what I envision. Elderly, lonely, sick and handicapped people. People who don't have much of a life, but have a love for the game of poker. And because of this it clouds there thought process and decision making. They are easy pray/ victims for replay to exploit and rob. I think the math has exposed replay owners and its staff for what they are. Lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving scum of the earth. Who have no place in society. These are not victimless crimes. They need to be in jail with the rest of the criminals, for there crimes. Sooner rather than later the internet laws will catch up to your scam, at which time you will face justice for your criminal acts. I see they have taken on a partner. Casino. org. More times than not this is due to money stress. Let's hope this is the case here and replay will soon disappear off the net forever. I have seen on other post replay has responded to defend itself. I would really like for one of you low life's to respond. In fact I dare you. You are Liars, You are cheats and I have several more ways to factually prove this. Wish I intend to share at a later time. But it would be so much more fulfilling to burn down you lying clowns in a online debate for the world to see. So go ahead and defend yourself scum.