- 9,670,384Chips
- 5,441rank
- highStake Level
- 50 - ChampionRPP Level
About Me
I love Truth so I stopped watching television over 8 years ago. I still own one of the damned things, but it stays off 99.9% of the time. I only used it for weather up until THAT channel was changed to a distraction specialty. The first step OUT of the Matrix? Stop watching the tube. You will see the world differently; as it is. If it's scary at first, you'll get over it. Second step out of the Matrix: Forget all your Rockefeller-Gates-created school system told you. Third step: stop surrendering your God-given authority to costumed masqueraders. The HIGHEST Law on the land USED to be your Constitutions. Now it is the massive Uniform Commercial Code. So if you abide by THAT "legal system," you've contracted to become "a slave." Yes, you are ON the land, not "in" it. Those who live "in" some "state" are IN THE DIRT, which means you're a DEAD FICTION doing business as someone with a NAME similar to yours. Oh...it was nice of you to read this far, but I'll bet my first couple of lines captivated you, no?
ALL are God's creatures. Be thankful for what you have. Be decent to others. Oh, if I like you I might ask you to become a friend. If you happen to be a woman, don't worry; I'm not here to try to date you. But I might still find you attractive, or funny, or smart, or someone I just LIKE. Are you okay with that?