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About Me

On my 2nd love 2014 harley heritage
1 st love Sandy my awesome wife God I Love her
Now i have to go back to reconnect my insides
on 1 /29/20 not looking forward to it
Had my colostomy reversal it went well 11 day s in the hospital 8 more weeks of rest and recovery thank God this nightmare is over
not going all in on the details took a ride in an ambulance in august woke up with a respirator hands tied to the bed was in ICU for 8 days 10 more in regular room with a gut shot colon intestines and bladder the most pain a have ever been in in my life and i have been in a lot the way i live
thank god for dilaudid awesome pain drug and for ICU nurses love them both and god bless RN NURSES

Started playing in 2014 after I broke my back I'm not on here during the summer only play during the winter hibernation months.
I Love life , having fun, the great outdoors, riding my Harley , riding my quad, hunting and fishing, camp fires and camping.. and all my family and friends and my best friend in the whole world my beautiful wife Sandy !!!!!!!!!!
LOVE GODS beautiful creation, just wish more people did too, its free and healthy !!!! And good for the mind , body and soul !!!
Every one seems to say a motto so mine is, love live ,have fun, work hard ,play hard !!!!
Never Ever Give Up, on anything you want or desire, it doesn't come easy and may never come true or happen , but if you don't try it never will !!!!!!
I was a high school drop out 16 years old , then at 18 in a MC club till my daughter was born, I quit the club at 21 and went to college and became a nuclear engineer. I retired at 53 years old. I'm not just talking the talk, I have walked the walk full circle, and I WON, so can you... but you have to try ...

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