Autumn Adventures Survey: America’s Favorite Fall Activities 

It’s fall y’all! The air is crisping, the leaves are turning, and the pumpkin lattes are spicing. Some would argue, and 56% of you did, that fall is the best time of the year. In honor of such a celebrated season, we decided to ring it in with a survey to get to the exact autumnal calculations of what activities we’re saying yay, nay, or hayride to! 

Upon asking 3,000 Americans, we were able to gather conclusions about the most anticipated plans this fall, what movies they’re watching, if it’s more “spooky” or “cozy season, and the best cities and states for fall fun.  

Key Findings:  

  • 65% of Americans are most looking forward to Halloween festivities this fall 
  • Halloween triumphs Thanksgiving by a sliver, as 50.9% prefer Halloween, and 49.1% lean toward Thanksgiving 
  • Mississippi ranks as the best state to spend fall as 78% of its residents celebrate, decorate, and participate in autumnal activities  

How much do Americans like fall? 

Let’s start with the basics: how do Americans feel about fall? If we had to base it on the Target decor alone, we’d say pretty good! With pumpkins, witches, and scarecrow-everything filling the aisles of every major store in America, it seems that Americans are pretty psyched about fall, but does it tell the true story? 

More than any other season, Americans love fall. Yes, summer brings sun, and spring is blooming with flowers, but when else can you fill a pillowcase to the brim with candy or subsist off pumpkin drinks alone? 56% agree – fall rocks! Both spring and summer got 16% of the vote and only 10% opted for winter, but the clear winner goes to the September, October, and November months. 

So, fall is the clear favorite, but by how much? On a scale of 1-5, 56% put a “5” for how much they celebrate fall, where the top of the scale meant that participants changed their home decor, ate/drank “fall-specific” foods and beverages, and even swapped out the TV shows and movies they watch for something more timely. Talk about autumn aficionados! 

What are Americans’ favorite fall activities? 

The average American household now looks like an exhibition of leaf patterns, red and brown color palettes, and hand towels ridden with puns like “creeping it real” or simply “#blessed”. Our homes might be looking fall-tastic this season, but half the fun is outside! Jumping in leaf piles, apple orchards, tailgating, and more! Here are the top ones that ranked:  

Halloween won by a landslide, with 61% of the nation agreeing that this spooky day was their favorite part of the season. Trick or treating, haunted houses, and dressing up were all Halloween-centered things that Americans loved to do the most.  

The decorating process itself was also highly valued. Americans listed “decorating the house in fall decor” as their second favorite thing to do when the season shifts. Of course, Sunday and Monday night football has its own moment of fame as “watching football and attending games” ranked the #3 favorite fall activity for Americans.  

What are we saying hay-ll no to? Bobbing for apples was the least favorite activity amongst Americans. Can you blame us? Who wants to dunk their head in water to then be rewarded with fruit? Tailgating surprisingly made the bottom 2. Although Americans love to attend football games (#3 favorite) they could do without the pregame. Hayrides round out the #3 least desired activity, where only 17% said they’ll partake this season. Sitting on itchy hay and being dragged through an empty field? No, thank you. 

Best US cities for fall  

Everyone knows idyllic New England, or the golden colors of the Blue Ridge Mountains make for a postcard kind of fall, but are they the true gems of the season? Which cities are smashing it with Oktoberfest, haunted houses, pumpkin patches, and more? We’ve got the answers. We ranked in each city based on their participation in fall activities, their self-assessment of fall sentiment, and how many themed events each city has (per capita).  

  1. Cleveland, 94.8% 
  1. Kansas City, 92% 
  1. Pittsburgh, 91.9% 
  1. Chicago, 91.4% 
  1. Athens, 90% 
  1. Philadelphia, 89% 
  1. NYC, 88.9% 
  1. Las Vegas, 88.6% 
  1. Orlando, 88.4% 
  1. Charleston, 88% 

It seems like the East Coast is the best coast with 8 out of 10 of the best fall cities on that side of the country. Better luck next season, West Coast! 

Best states for fall 

What about the best states for fall? Everybody knows that the good pumpkin patches are off the beaten path and outside the cities. These are the states that participate in the most fall activities. 

Mississippi takes the crown for Miss Autumn! The Hospitality State ranks #1 as the best state for fall as Mississippians roll out the red carpet for this season. Whether it’s the Natchez Balloon Festival or a pumpkin-themed ride on “Cruisin’ the Coast” Mississippi sure does love fall.  

The runner-up is an obvious choice with its scenic hikes and literal nickname of “Nutmeg State” …what could be more perfect for the cooler months? Connecticut earns the title of the 2nd best state for fall with its enthused residents, variety of events to partake in, and general scenic post-summer views. 

Ever heard of Salem? Or Thanksgiving? That’s right, the spooky capital of the US and the first-ever Thanksgiving is in the great state of Massachusetts. Beyond its historic fame, MA locals are also fans of the fall with over 70% of its residents taking part in the festivities earning Massachusetts the 3rd best state for fall.  

Halloween vs. Thanksgiving: what does the nation prefer? 

Do you like your pumpkin carved or in pie form? Half the beauty of fall is all the great holidays that surround it. Are you more candy-centric or pie-centric? Trick or treat or #gratitude? Candy corn or corn on the cob? We turned towards the masses to say the true fall favorite. 

The two holidays were turkey neck and turkey neck, but there was a winner, although ever so slight! Halloween was crowned the fall favorite by 50.9% with Thanksgiving falling closely behind at 49.1%.

Interestingly though, when we reframe the question to ask participants if they preferred “spooky” or “cozy” season, the majority opted for cozy. 67% said they prefer a “cozy” fall over the 33% who said they want a spooky one.  

Pumpkin Spiced Summary 

Fall is here and we’re happier than a pumpkin being picked from the patch! With 56% agreeing that fall is the best season, Halloween festivities, pumpkin decor, and cozy blankets are more than welcome.  


In September 2024, we surveyed 3,000 U.S. residents about their fall season preferences. The representative sample comprised of 53.2% female, 45% male, >2% non-binary, transgender, and/or other. 

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