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About Me

I'm sure this game is cheating, there are characters recycling game coins!!!

500,000 prize pool, my cards are the biggest straight. I bet 700,000, someone must follow up. Just one card, they must surpass me. I encounter such things all day long. All day long! Fun! My mentality has not deteriorated at all, just more vigilant.

I have AA, opponent KK and 22, I almost directly all in. You can use the Texas Hold'em calculator to calculate the winning rate. The result is that 22 won. Second game. I have AA, opponent Q5o, J7Q after the start, all in. After the start, Q5 got 5 in the last two cards.

AA can surpass, but not always surpass, let alone continuously surpass. As a veteran Texas Hold'em player, I will not be affected by bad luck. But I only went all in these two times, almost twice in a row, I can't stand making money by relying on technology and then being recycled by others!
I have K9s and my opponent has AJo.I raised 130,000 before the draw, and after the draw it was KQ3.I have a pair and my opponent has a mixed hand. Only 10 can make a straight, with a probability of about 4/47, or about 1/12. I didn't need to raise. My opponent raised 450,000 the first time, then 1.35 million the second time, and finally 4.05 million. Finally, he bought my cards, and a 10 appeared.There are only three explanations for this: 1. My opponent likes to spend money, 2. God is teasing me, and 3. He knew he would win from the beginning. I started with a few thousand game coins and slowly won more than 400 million. I don't think I'm a rookie, but on this website, I probably only spent 2-3 hours of hard work to make 3 million. Then such an opponent made me lose 6 million. And similar things will happen again and again. Facing such opponents, I call them chip recyclers. For such game operators, I can only admit that I really don't know how to play Texas Hold'em and have no idea how to play. The game number is 1166507096.
我有AA,对手KK和22,我几乎直接all in。你可以用德州扑克计算器算一下胜率。结果是22赢了。第二局。我有AA,对手Q5o,开局后J7Q,all in。开局后,Q5最后两张牌拿到5。
AA可以超越,但不能一直超越,更不能连续超越。作为一个德州扑克老手,我不会被运气不好影响。但我只这两次all in,几乎连续两次,我受不了靠技术赚钱然后被别人回收!

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