Bust the Staff Leaderboard

Bust the Staff! and more! On the third Thursday of each month, bounties are rewarded for each staff member (50K), volunteer (10K) and player (1K) during this special monthly tournament.

In addition, you'll want to track your success at eliminating opponents on this exclusive yearly Bust the Staff! tournament Leaderboard. The Top 100 players, who have eliminated the most opponents playing our Bust the Staff! tournaments, will win a share of 10 Million free chips! Leaderboard awards will be made at the end of the calendar year.


Rank Change Player Score Prize
1 new circle bassie321 18 bust outs 2,000,000 chips
2 new circle diego66270 14 bust outs 1,200,000 chips
3 new circle kigall009 12 bust outs 1,000,000 chips
4 new circle catlady518 11 bust outs 700,000 chips
- new circle jmgalma 11 bust outs 700,000 chips
6 new circle maronza 10 bust outs 300,000 chips
- new circle motto59 10 bust outs 300,000 chips
8 new circle Jm7124 9 bust outs 100,000 chips
- new circle VinniGrr 9 bust outs 100,000 chips
10 new circle choche0372 8 bust outs 100,000 chips
- new circle dashingdoug 8 bust outs 100,000 chips
- new circle floofypupper 8 bust outs 100,000 chips
- new circle satcs 8 bust outs 100,000 chips
14 new circle LexAlexa 7 bust outs 100,000 chips
15 new circle ChicagoSerbs 6 bust outs 100,000 chips
- new circle EdiFelson007 6 bust outs 100,000 chips
- new circle ejdean 6 bust outs 100,000 chips
- new circle KRS 6 bust outs 100,000 chips
- new circle mactrom 6 bust outs 100,000 chips
- new circle pokerbaer60 6 bust outs 100,000 chips
- new circle roshep 6 bust outs 100,000 chips
- new circle tornado1 6 bust outs 100,000 chips
23 new circle bighand62 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle bravehead 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle chenzotheplug 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle Duke1990 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle EddieBoy53 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle grapevine 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle icemanmike 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle iris1118 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle SirArgouges 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle tomzilla111 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle UG2021 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle V0L3z 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
- new circle Wyner 5 bust outs 63,076 chips
36 new circle BTtrap 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle buddhaJ09 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle cargo1 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle Chasetheriver 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle ggssssssG 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle grit45 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle indianl 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle lawm033 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle LuckyDONK 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle rebathelab 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle sharay 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle shirl99 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle Snookulator 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle techdude 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
- new circle Younguru 4 bust outs 32,000 chips
51 new circle 1433 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle asso777 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle banarne60 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle BDGries 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle beef60 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle bolbaite 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle BR001 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle cjexpress 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle denbro 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle diannacb 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle drj123 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle epa2016 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle Grinder4 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle IBeeMe 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle LilyPie29 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle martinigal3 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle MightySpurs 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle mikec006 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle RiverRida 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle spookie1964 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle tiecie 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle Tracker19 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
- new circle VegasCat1 3 bust outs 20,000 chips
74 new circle anasch 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Blechi 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle BOBS123 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Browneyed15 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle ced1980 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle chuito5 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Coco1984 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle cormoran1953 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle DaveK46 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Davemax517 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle desloper 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle DiabloDude 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle ETomM 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle feuer9 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle GWD 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Heisl-tSCHICK 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle HersheyTS 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle jackh41 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Jagger69 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle janice1952 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle jerrybobboy 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle jprestijr 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle kz1000 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle LazyE1119 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Markel72 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle mimi65 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle MonkeyMan007 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Nargun 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Nufie 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle oneboreddude 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Pageaux 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle PokerBR2020 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle prefessor8 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Rd260 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Refryin 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle ROTTWEILER 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle schlossi6 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle slvrstd 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle sntiesot87 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle steve7heaven 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Sunnydee 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle theedge73 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle TNgolfer 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle TofuAlan 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle valx69 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle wildduces 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Wizard6 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle wolfgang254 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle wonwom 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle Youngbrokeni 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle znoquote 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
- new circle _stacks_ 2 bust outs 10,384 chips
126 new circle ACF02 1 bust out -
- new circle aes2you 1 bust out -
- new circle Auggs 1 bust out -
- new circle bc69 1 bust out -
- new circle Blitzcreek 1 bust out -
- new circle Boopxsdc 1 bust out -
- new circle BoringAL 1 bust out -
- new circle Bromac57 1 bust out -
- new circle bubbba53 1 bust out -
- new circle C1ueless 1 bust out -
- new circle Cafeaulait 1 bust out -
- new circle Chaponoir 1 bust out -
- new circle cyp31 1 bust out -
- new circle DinoVilo 1 bust out -
- new circle EBpit 1 bust out -
- new circle engeltwo 1 bust out -
- new circle Evolutionary 1 bust out -
- new circle FergusCrowley 1 bust out -
- new circle Figo_U2_PT 1 bust out -
- new circle FoxForce5 1 bust out -
- new circle frans39 1 bust out -
- new circle Gazton 1 bust out -
- new circle gorbie21 1 bust out -
- new circle guicanelas 1 bust out -
- new circle hackiii 1 bust out -
- new circle haxtanak11 1 bust out -
- new circle heathenscot 1 bust out -
- new circle hundylegs 1 bust out -
- new circle hunter1111 1 bust out -
- new circle ionutcris2084 1 bust out -
- new circle IPDE 1 bust out -
- new circle ipecac 1 bust out -
- new circle Jimmy11 1 bust out -
- new circle Kahuna13 1 bust out -
- new circle karpenater 1 bust out -
- new circle kick_start 1 bust out -
- new circle kiski33 1 bust out -
- new circle kvokka 1 bust out -
- new circle lamALooser 1 bust out -
- new circle larrymac2 1 bust out -
- new circle LBINJBEACH 1 bust out -
- new circle lildevil109 1 bust out -
- new circle Magistique 1 bust out -
- new circle Mahvelous 1 bust out -
- new circle mattiebumpo 1 bust out -
- new circle microdexter 1 bust out -
- new circle moeron 1 bust out -
- new circle Mulot 1 bust out -
- new circle NeedRealShoes 1 bust out -
- new circle Nicknax 1 bust out -
- new circle odxium 1 bust out -
- new circle PaddyOBoy 1 bust out -
- new circle PeyotePete 1 bust out -
- new circle PG143 1 bust out -
- new circle Pilotman 1 bust out -
- new circle play1011 1 bust out -
- new circle Player1188 1 bust out -
- new circle Pochita8 1 bust out -
- new circle Pokerharts 1 bust out -
- new circle Poki65 1 bust out -
- new circle prideofmace 1 bust out -
- new circle QueenJana 1 bust out -
- new circle raramuri 1 bust out -
- new circle razorstrop 1 bust out -
- new circle RD60 1 bust out -
- new circle redneck1933 1 bust out -
- new circle rich316 1 bust out -
- new circle rxistjeff 1 bust out -
- new circle S3B 1 bust out -
- new circle Sassy_Sarah 1 bust out -
- new circle seavoyager 1 bust out -
- new circle spectrum7 1 bust out -
- new circle spidey5 1 bust out -
- new circle stan_quebrick 1 bust out -
- new circle Stevewa 1 bust out -
- new circle swankford 1 bust out -
- new circle teckert 1 bust out -
- new circle thehoss1 1 bust out -
- new circle theseeyes 1 bust out -
- new circle tretorn 1 bust out -
- new circle Tsutomu 1 bust out -
- new circle Twinkle12 1 bust out -
- new circle wammajamma 1 bust out -
- new circle Wandaaa 1 bust out -
- new circle whosebone 1 bust out -
- new circle wifni 1 bust out -
- new circle WILLIAMRSCHM 1 bust out -
- new circle Wisc_Badger 1 bust out -
- new circle wizeoldman 1 bust out -
- new circle wlang0155 1 bust out -
- new circle youtoo 1 bust out -
- new circle Zazoued 1 bust out -