RWG 2025 - Day #2 - Snowboarding

RWG 2025 - Day #2 - Snowboarding

The wonderful opening ceremony is over and the competition begins to heat up at the 2025 Replay Winter Games.

Today's event is Snowboarding! Grab your board, goggles and hit the powder to try and win your share of 2,000,000 free chips and medals!

On Tuesday, February 18th your chance to win a medal lies in your skill in NL Omaha Hi/Lo SnG. You will need to earn as many SnG tournament points as you can in your first seven games of the day.

PRO-TIP: Use promo code: RWGW1 on your Bank Page to redeem 3 x 7.5K tournament tickets! (Code is valid Feb 17-23 and can only be redeemed once).

Will you stand on the winner's podium? Get ready and head to the start line! Only your first seven results count towards the leaderboard.

Good Luck!


Date Entry Fee Game Number of Players Prizes Starting Stack Blind Clock
02/18 7,500 Chips NL Omaha Hi/Lo 9 Players Top 3 2,500 6 Mins


Final rankings for 301 players
11 arrow_upwardBuckFeasters BuckFeastersUnited StatesGold Medal
72,670 tournament points
400,000 chips
21 arrow_upwardGTWreck GTWreckUnited StatesSilver Medal
68,214 tournament points
280,000 chips
31 arrow_upwardAntM5z AntM5zUnited KingdomBronze Medal
67,765 tournament points
200,000 chips
41 arrow_upwardSassy_Sarah Sassy_SarahUnited States
67,255 tournament points
140,000 chips
51 arrow_upwardKingofChess64 KingofChess64Netherlands
66,082 tournament points
100,000 chips
61 arrow_upwardI-fold-a-lot I-fold-a-lotUnited States
65,776 tournament points
80,000 chips
71 arrow_upwardopsco opscoUnited States
61,821 tournament points
65,000 chips
81 arrow_upwardmorcosborcos morcosborcosCanada
61,734 tournament points
55,000 chips
91 arrow_upward3sister311 3sister311United States
61,323 tournament points
45,000 chips
101 arrow_upwardPokerBR2020 PokerBR2020Brazil
61,010 tournament points
35,000 chips
111 arrow_upwardSallyWoodbine SallyWoodbineCanada
60,672 tournament points
25,000 chips
121 arrow_upwardsugarfoot414 sugarfoot414United States
60,147 tournament points
25,000 chips
131 arrow_upwardSAJailbird SAJailbirdSouth Africa
59,944 tournament points
25,000 chips
141 arrow_upwardHersheyTS HersheyTSUnited States
59,415 tournament points
25,000 chips
151 arrow_upwardAllInPlayer AllInPlayerUnited States
58,377 tournament points
25,000 chips
161 arrow_upward-o_V_o- -o_V_o-Netherlands
57,305 tournament points
20,000 chips
171 arrow_upwardwill_lira will_liraUnited States
56,133 tournament points
20,000 chips
181 arrow_upwardJefferonski JefferonskiUnited States
55,381 tournament points
20,000 chips
191 arrow_upwardbobbymac1 bobbymac1United States
54,840 tournament points
20,000 chips
201 arrow_upwardwhoknew352 whoknew352Ecuador
53,777 tournament points
20,000 chips
211 arrow_upwardzapfen66 zapfen66Germany
53,088 tournament points
15,000 chips
2217 arrow_upwardHawkeyegerm HawkeyegermGermany
52,746 tournament points
15,000 chips
23removeguguce guguceLatvia
52,322 tournament points
15,000 chips
24removeChangPower888 ChangPower888Germany
50,755 tournament points
15,000 chips
25removeAsuronetorius AsuronetoriusUnited States
49,465 tournament points
15,000 chips
26removeCoolDonald CoolDonaldGermany
49,264 tournament points
15,000 chips
27remove23Steffi 23SteffiGermany
49,040 tournament points
15,000 chips
28removebnn2335 bnn2335Denmark
48,511 tournament points
15,000 chips
29removeRabbit230 Rabbit230United Kingdom
47,338 tournament points
15,000 chips
30removeChicagoSerbs ChicagoSerbsUnited States
47,256 tournament points
15,000 chips
31removedonkatwork donkatworkUnited States
47,113 tournament points
12,500 chips
32removecmdealin cmdealinUnited States
46,940 tournament points
12,500 chips
33removeSunnydee SunnydeeUnited States
45,145 tournament points
12,500 chips
34removesquandera squanderaNew Zealand
42,319 tournament points
12,500 chips
35removeThailand4ever Thailand4everGermany
41,953 tournament points
12,500 chips
36removeTheJ0ker666 TheJ0ker666Germany
41,367 tournament points
12,500 chips
37removepup61 pup61United States
41,024 tournament points
12,500 chips
38removeUmJogador UmJogadorBrazil
39,826 tournament points
12,500 chips
3920 arrow_upwardSupnzi SupnziUnited States
38,396 tournament points
12,500 chips
40removeLelaina LelainaGermany
38,305 tournament points
12,500 chips
41removeFeronica FeronicaIsrael
37,887 tournament points
10,000 chips
42removeKlaus_Kinski Klaus_KinskiGermany
37,330 tournament points
10,000 chips
43removeTallrockstar TallrockstarUnited Kingdom
36,603 tournament points
10,000 chips
44removeRobbie4 Robbie4United States
36,349 tournament points
10,000 chips
45removeForThreeeeee ForThreeeeeeUnited States
34,587 tournament points
10,000 chips
46removeLuckerdogg LuckerdoggUnited States
33,857 tournament points
10,000 chips
47removeTexasPat TexasPatUnited States
32,928 tournament points
10,000 chips
32,454 tournament points
10,000 chips
49removemailman1106 mailman1106United States
32,175 tournament points
10,000 chips
50removePochita8 Pochita8Peru
31,944 tournament points
10,000 chips
5113 arrow_upwardgagsme gagsmeUnited States
31,727 tournament points
521 arrow_downwardligmazz ligmazzUnited States
31,501 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardzbuster48 zbuster48United States
31,501 tournament points
541 arrow_downwardChaponoir ChaponoirFrance
30,881 tournament points
551 arrow_downwardYooper48 Yooper48United States
30,774 tournament points
561 arrow_downwardMoneyRacker66 MoneyRacker66United States
30,044 tournament points
571 arrow_downwardBigjake410 Bigjake410United States
29,708 tournament points
581 arrow_downwardone1one one1oneUnited States
29,509 tournament points
591 arrow_downwardBite07 Bite07Mexico
29,171 tournament points
601 arrow_downwardMano-Dirk Mano-DirkGermany
28,645 tournament points
61removeKikko1964 Kikko1964Italy
27,579 tournament points
62removeHareIncognito HareIncognitoUnited States
27,190 tournament points
63removeMeditationMan MeditationManUnited States
26,962 tournament points
64removeicemanmike icemanmikeUnited States
26,851 tournament points
651 arrow_upwardBromac57 Bromac57United States
26,761 tournament points
-1 arrow_upwardhyw19 hyw19United States
26,761 tournament points
671 arrow_upwardIllcallall IllcallallCanada
26,735 tournament points
681 arrow_upwardgrandslam grandslamUnited States
26,626 tournament points
691 arrow_upwardOHIOJAKE OHIOJAKEUnited States
26,006 tournament points
701 arrow_upwardJust42day Just42dayUnited States
25,673 tournament points
711 arrow_upwardbea-ganadora7 bea-ganadora7Venezuela
25,586 tournament points
721 arrow_upwardrepoke5 repoke5United States
25,168 tournament points
731 arrow_upwardIcequeen_ Icequeen_Argentina
25,132 tournament points
-1 arrow_upwardLordClaudius LordClaudiusUnited Kingdom
25,132 tournament points
751 arrow_upwardmagludi magludiGermany
23,883 tournament points
761 arrow_upwardgrumpygranny grumpygrannyUnited States
23,879 tournament points
771 arrow_upwardcbs420 cbs420United States
23,877 tournament points
-1 arrow_upwardjackson1st jackson1stUnited States
23,877 tournament points
-1 arrow_upwardthedoc1970 thedoc1970Denmark
23,877 tournament points
801 arrow_upwardgdagda gdagdaSouth Africa
23,541 tournament points
811 arrow_upwardnickydee222 nickydee222United States
23,540 tournament points
821 arrow_upwardBR001 BR001United States
22,588 tournament points
831 arrow_upwardport76 port76United States
22,276 tournament points
841 arrow_upwardDarlinCory DarlinCoryUnited States
21,751 tournament points
851 arrow_upward1111oSPo1111 1111oSPo1111Germany
21,750 tournament points
-1 arrow_upwardCarolinaBabe CarolinaBabeUnited States
21,750 tournament points
-1 arrow_upwardoldbru oldbruUnited States
21,750 tournament points
-1 arrow_upwardReddawg227 Reddawg227United States
21,750 tournament points
891 arrow_upwardmisterAAAA misterAAAADenmark
21,522 tournament points
901 arrow_upwardVegasCat1 VegasCat1United States
21,134 tournament points
911 arrow_upward__Sammy__ __Sammy__Germany
20,794 tournament points
921 arrow_upwardGunti54 Gunti54Germany
20,684 tournament points
931 arrow_upwardTbmadd TbmaddUnited States
20,257 tournament points
941 arrow_upwarddust42 dust42Germany
19,956 tournament points
951 arrow_upwardPaul310 Paul310United States
19,839 tournament points
961 arrow_upwardIuffy IuffySingapore
19,419 tournament points
971 arrow_upwardmickbluffs mickbluffsUnited States
19,229 tournament points
-1 arrow_upwardtimnicebutdim timnicebutdimUnited Kingdom
19,229 tournament points
991 arrow_upwardGringuito GringuitoSpain
19,221 tournament points
1001 arrow_upwardwifni wifniUnited States
19,004 tournament points
1011 arrow_upwardBzh22 Bzh22France
19,001 tournament points
-1 arrow_upwardCarpWhisperer CarpWhispererAustralia
19,001 tournament points
-31 arrow_upwardcleareyes cleareyesUnited States
19,001 tournament points
-1 arrow_upwardMaToy MaToyThailand
19,001 tournament points
105removeManubok ManubokFrance
18,665 tournament points
-removescentient scentientIreland
18,665 tournament points
107removeroadman50 roadman50United States
17,964 tournament points
108removeTaxi_Driver Taxi_DriverGermany
17,737 tournament points
109removeBigJohn0817 BigJohn0817United States
17,712 tournament points
110removeMarie528 Marie528United States
17,546 tournament points
111remove77Star 77StarUnited States
17,401 tournament points
-removechriskeisslin chriskeisslinUnited States
17,401 tournament points
113removemichaelnc887 michaelnc887United States
17,009 tournament points
114removeSavStar SavStarUnited Kingdom
16,673 tournament points
115removejfrazer3 jfrazer3United States
16,646 tournament points
-removeMolly64 Molly64United States
16,646 tournament points
117removeANGELIC ANGELICSouth Africa
16,591 tournament points
118removeMAVERICK25 MAVERICK25France
15,919 tournament points
119removegators07 gators07United States
15,918 tournament points
-removeplay1011 play1011United States
15,918 tournament points
121removeRamon123123 Ramon123123Germany
15,718 tournament points
122removeJPP2262 JPP2262France
15,636 tournament points
123removeMtAiryMnstr MtAiryMnstrUnited States
15,382 tournament points
124removebenny1967 benny1967Italy
14,963 tournament points
-removeIanBow IanBowNew Zealand
14,963 tournament points
126removeDirtrydog123 Dirtrydog123United States
14,628 tournament points
127removeSTRUBS STRUBSUnited States
14,627 tournament points
128removeFinndog101 Finndog101United States
14,128 tournament points
-removeSqueezingduck SqueezingduckNetherlands
14,128 tournament points
-removestan_quebrick stan_quebrickUnited States
14,128 tournament points
131removekelvic1414 kelvic1414United States
13,790 tournament points
132removecamwes1000 camwes1000United States
13,789 tournament points
-removeDandyWarhols DandyWarholsFrance
13,789 tournament points
-removeintradonald intradonaldCanada
13,789 tournament points
-removeJacques55 Jacques55South Africa
13,789 tournament points
-removelobstahunter lobstahunterUnited States
13,789 tournament points
-removeNotCyclops NotCyclopsUnited States
13,789 tournament points
-removerichnow richnowUnited States
13,789 tournament points
-removeSuzyQQ SuzyQQSouth Africa
13,789 tournament points
-removeTheWarden TheWardenUnited States
13,789 tournament points
-removeWS66 WS66Mexico
13,789 tournament points
-removeZhitnik44 Zhitnik44United States
13,789 tournament points
143128 arrow_upwardAubreyB AubreyBSouth Africa
12,837 tournament points
144removeeliza83th eliza83thUnited States
12,525 tournament points
145removeFitski FitskiGermany
12,334 tournament points
146removejustlook justlookUnited States
11,797 tournament points
147removeGWW_Heiko GWW_HeikoGermany
10,842 tournament points
-removeLinnusPoker LinnusPokerJapan
10,842 tournament points
149removeboonesv boonesvMexico
10,506 tournament points
-122 arrow_upwardCoofo CoofoUnited States
10,506 tournament points
-removeItsmyday ItsmydayUnited States
10,506 tournament points
-removeKOLONIH KOLONIHUnited Kingdom
10,506 tournament points
1531 arrow_downwardvaskok vaskokVenezuela
10,424 tournament points
1541 arrow_downwardcincinati67 cincinati67Spain
10,088 tournament points
1551 arrow_downwardjgarth jgarthUnited States
9,752 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardpokerking306 pokerking306Canada
9,752 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardugur88 ugur88Germany
9,752 tournament points
1581 arrow_downwardcarbon18 carbon18Spain
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardCrockPotOdds CrockPotOddsUnited States
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwarddiannacb diannacbUnited States
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardDOME827 DOME827France
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardEGUZ EGUZPeru
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardfrankfort2176 frankfort2176United States
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardjethrow62 jethrow62Canada
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardmickey1414 mickey1414United States
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardmidwestjack midwestjackUnited States
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardMonkeyMan007 MonkeyMan007United States
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardpaperplate paperplateUnited States
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardSoeren_003 Soeren_003Austria
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardstarbritexx starbritexxCanada
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardsweeeety sweeeetyUnited States
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardThe-Malster The-MalsterUnited Kingdom
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardTheKnutts TheKnuttsUnited States
9,751 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardWmic WmicNetherlands
9,751 tournament points
1751 arrow_downwardAndyMB AndyMBUnited States
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardCDthMan CDthManUnited States
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwarddesperateman desperatemanUnited States
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardgermanruiz germanruizSpain
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardgrayball grayballUnited States
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardHeart5555 Heart5555Canada
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardHecht258 Hecht258Germany
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardJed083043 Jed083043United States
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardmattiemae1 mattiemae1United States
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardmiko70 miko70Germany
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardMilesAhead MilesAheadUnited States
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardmrsbrax mrsbraxUnited States
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardOlPhart OlPhartUnited States
7,961 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardwofass wofassCzech Republic
7,961 tournament points
1891 arrow_downwardalkamm alkammUnited States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardangels1961 angels1961United States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardBoones BoonesMexico
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardCapepoint CapepointSouth Africa
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardcaptaineasy captaineasyUnited States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardCheyenneBody CheyenneBodyUnited States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardClarice1967 Clarice1967United States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardfirbec firbecSlovenia
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardIaio52 Iaio52Italy
6,895 tournament points
-100 arrow_upwardjuan2hss7 juan2hss7Peru
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardJulbug JulbugUnited States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardkaowboy kaowboyCanada
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardLogan1958 Logan1958United States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardLuckyDONK LuckyDONKUnited States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardmdjones2 mdjones2United States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardMordor60 Mordor60United States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardOLUPCHUCK OLUPCHUCKUnited States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardPilot704 Pilot704United States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardptitchval ptitchvalSwitzerland
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardReDrOoStEr55 ReDrOoStEr55United States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardsligbick01 sligbick01United States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardStinky_Herb Stinky_HerbUnited States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardThe-3-Amigos The-3-AmigosUnited Kingdom
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardTheBMan TheBManUnited States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardwhiner111 whiner111United States
6,895 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardwinnyb winnybCanada
6,895 tournament points