RPOS XII - High Roller Showdown LB

RPOS XII - High Roller Showdown LB

This leaderboard is attached to the RPOS XII - High Roller Showdown promotion and tracks your performance over all of the RPOS XII - High Roller Showdown events.

The top 20 Tournament Point scorers over the course of the festival will share the 10,000,000 chips on offer. In addition to the chip prizes, the overall winner of the leaderboard will also win a Replay Poker T-Shirt and mug!

Please note that RPOS XII - League of Legends events do not score on this leaderboard, as they have their own separate Leaderboard.

If you win (1st place) any event, you will also be entered into The Tournament of Champions.

Best of luck and have fun!


Final rankings for 484 players
12 arrow_upwardYounguru Younguru
170,365 tournament points
3,000,000 chips
2remove_snowman_ _snowman_
157,833 tournament points
2,000,000 chips
32 arrow_downwardrcw3333 rcw3333
156,549 tournament points
1,500,000 chips
42 arrow_upwardtpomeroy99 tpomeroy99
140,908 tournament points
1,000,000 chips
5removeRyRyRobe RyRyRobe
134,367 tournament points
500,000 chips
62 arrow_downwardDudeItsDad DudeItsDad
134,184 tournament points
400,000 chips
73 arrow_upwardRiverGod RiverGod
124,905 tournament points
300,000 chips
817 arrow_upwardRazorB RazorB
123,169 tournament points
200,000 chips
92 arrow_downward_Rain_ _Rain_
120,573 tournament points
200,000 chips
102 arrow_downwardSassy_Sarah Sassy_Sarah
120,156 tournament points
200,000 chips