Yearly MTT LB - Hold'em Medium

Yearly MTT LB - Hold'em Medium

Every year, 50 million chips will be shared between the best performers in Replay Poker's medium stake hold'em multi-table tournaments.

The tournament points earned in your Top 180 played tournaments will determine your ranking on the leaderboard. You can participate in as many tournaments as you want, we'll simply calculate your leaderboard score by summing up your best 180 scores.

The medium stake hold'em yearly leaderboard takes into account all hold'em multi-table tournaments featuring a buy-in between 5,001 and 50,000 chips (inclusive), Satellite tournaments may not always be included.

Each yearly leaderboard starts on the first day of the calendar year at 00:00 ET and ends on the last day of the year at 23:59 ET. All games starting prior 23:59 ET in the last day of the calendar year will be included in the leaderboard.

Tournament points are calculated with the formula below:

(1,000 × (√Runners)/√(Finishing Position))×(1+log(Buy-in))

For example, if a player enters a tournament featuring a buy-in of 2,000 chips and finishes 6th out of 200 runners, the player will receive 24,884 points.

(1,000 × (√200)/√6)×(1+log(2,000)) = 5,773.5 × 4.301 = 24,832 Points

Tournament points are only awarded to players who were present (not away) for at least 50% of the hands in their tournament.

Note: Heads-up tournaments and Satellite tournaments are not included. Note 2: All games starting prior 23:59 ET in the last day of the calendar year will be included in the leaderboard.

Head over the Multi-Table Tournament Lobby, and start climbing the leaderboard playing our medium stake multi-table tournaments.


Updated about 1 hour ago for 12,580 players
1removeGazton Gazton
2,607,413 tournament points
5,000,000 chips
2removerazylee razylee
2,592,270 tournament points
4,000,000 chips
3removebignate bignate
2,519,233 tournament points
3,000,000 chips
2,433,485 tournament points
2,500,000 chips
5removeEphesus Ephesus
2,392,303 tournament points
2,000,000 chips
6removerufffuss rufffuss
2,366,889 tournament points
1,500,000 chips
7removestickman812 stickman812
2,321,460 tournament points
1,000,000 chips
8removejogi09 jogi09
2,249,689 tournament points
750,000 chips
9removehoops hoops
2,248,378 tournament points
750,000 chips
10removephilanddit philanddit
2,244,074 tournament points
750,000 chips
11removeBoric22 Boric22
2,224,906 tournament points
750,000 chips
12removeGamb1t0 Gamb1t0
2,219,284 tournament points
750,000 chips
13removeBrutallyFrank BrutallyFrank
2,196,629 tournament points
750,000 chips
14removefish63 fish63
2,193,147 tournament points
750,000 chips
15removeTrueLuck777 TrueLuck777
2,190,810 tournament points
750,000 chips
16removeyoubetyeah1 youbetyeah1
2,160,803 tournament points
750,000 chips
17removesoldark soldark
2,071,722 tournament points
750,000 chips
18removeAlexei_Cogan Alexei_Cogan
2,070,119 tournament points
750,000 chips
19removekp6 kp6
2,053,826 tournament points
750,000 chips
20removemaxrostock maxrostock
2,049,286 tournament points
750,000 chips
21removecjexpress cjexpress
2,013,385 tournament points
750,000 chips
22removecaptlanche captlanche
2,011,027 tournament points
750,000 chips
23removeS3B S3B
2,008,486 tournament points
750,000 chips
24removebnn2335 bnn2335
2,002,605 tournament points
750,000 chips
25removeOmi48 Omi48
1,995,458 tournament points
750,000 chips
26removeguido1963 guido1963
1,994,453 tournament points
500,000 chips
27removeCoin1 Coin1
1,983,244 tournament points
500,000 chips
28removerazorman17 razorman17
1,972,211 tournament points
500,000 chips
29removealsenterjr alsenterjr
1,959,546 tournament points
500,000 chips
30removeleondegrant leondegrant
1,957,209 tournament points
500,000 chips
31removeGixerthou Gixerthou
1,938,792 tournament points
500,000 chips
32removetheessence theessence
1,937,304 tournament points
500,000 chips
33removePTSpade PTSpade
1,911,891 tournament points
500,000 chips
34removefeuer9 feuer9
1,907,179 tournament points
500,000 chips
35removemakiru makiru
1,874,338 tournament points
500,000 chips
36removeindianamark indianamark
1,872,268 tournament points
500,000 chips
37removeEdiFelson007 EdiFelson007
1,866,261 tournament points
500,000 chips
38removemickeylee61 mickeylee61
1,848,235 tournament points
500,000 chips
39removeSuzieQOz SuzieQOz
1,848,076 tournament points
500,000 chips
40removeyonie yonie
1,841,908 tournament points
500,000 chips
41removeindianl indianl
1,837,550 tournament points
500,000 chips
42removefplay fplay
1,812,524 tournament points
500,000 chips
43removebarryd999 barryd999
1,812,430 tournament points
500,000 chips
44removeandreasd123 andreasd123
1,806,732 tournament points
500,000 chips
45removemamamucker mamamucker
1,801,899 tournament points
500,000 chips
46removegolfrguy67 golfrguy67
1,798,104 tournament points
250,000 chips
47removepokertimeply pokertimeply
1,784,898 tournament points
250,000 chips
48removemartinigal3 martinigal3
1,780,349 tournament points
250,000 chips
491 arrow_upwardbbadker bbadker
1,772,163 tournament points
250,000 chips
501 arrow_downwardtbradley tbradley
1,770,219 tournament points
250,000 chips
51removebratberg11 bratberg11
1,759,431 tournament points
250,000 chips
52removenapkin_holder napkin_holder
1,758,198 tournament points
250,000 chips
53removeBAMtastic BAMtastic
1,751,346 tournament points
250,000 chips
54removemicrodexter microdexter
1,746,422 tournament points
250,000 chips
55removeVenusOm VenusOm
1,732,950 tournament points
250,000 chips
56removemaGGiesGun maGGiesGun
1,729,754 tournament points
250,000 chips
57removeminoulecaf minoulecaf
1,723,866 tournament points
250,000 chips
58removemarge611 marge611
1,710,782 tournament points
250,000 chips
59removelacewing_ss lacewing_ss
1,704,791 tournament points
250,000 chips
60removenateogreato nateogreato
1,702,969 tournament points
250,000 chips
611 arrow_upwardfrans39 frans39
1,699,207 tournament points
250,000 chips
621 arrow_downwardalanmorton1 alanmorton1
1,691,565 tournament points
250,000 chips
63removeSunflower19 Sunflower19
1,674,269 tournament points
250,000 chips
642 arrow_upwardkittykatt kittykatt
1,655,900 tournament points
250,000 chips
651 arrow_downwardduke999 duke999
1,655,495 tournament points
250,000 chips
661 arrow_downwardSaturnus1 Saturnus1
1,638,954 tournament points
250,000 chips
67removetigerman123 tigerman123
1,632,893 tournament points
250,000 chips
68removedrofdeath drofdeath
1,625,064 tournament points
250,000 chips
69removeRiverRida RiverRida
1,621,950 tournament points
250,000 chips
70removeSupnzi Supnzi
1,607,678 tournament points
250,000 chips
71remove19tulwe66 19tulwe66
1,605,755 tournament points
250,000 chips
72removecherus cherus
1,603,276 tournament points
250,000 chips
73removeAIGE AIGE
1,595,041 tournament points
250,000 chips
742 arrow_upwardTripperTrev TripperTrev
1,585,730 tournament points
250,000 chips
751 arrow_downwardHipolit Hipolit
1,582,082 tournament points
250,000 chips
761 arrow_downwardwayne48s wayne48s
1,579,416 tournament points
77removematernel maternel
1,569,854 tournament points
78removeGiles25 Giles25
1,560,611 tournament points
79removeBaited-Hook Baited-Hook
1,550,090 tournament points
80removepocketchizzy pocketchizzy
1,548,647 tournament points
81removeRicDuc RicDuc
1,545,111 tournament points
82removeSmotPoker1969 SmotPoker1969
1,537,493 tournament points
83removeCasselamoto Casselamoto
1,516,609 tournament points
84removeKahuna13 Kahuna13
1,511,269 tournament points
85removesteve7heaven steve7heaven
1,507,096 tournament points
86removezapfen66 zapfen66
1,502,956 tournament points
87removeBine75 Bine75
1,498,789 tournament points
882 arrow_upwardpubbeerlager pubbeerlager
1,496,089 tournament points
1,495,239 tournament points
901 arrow_downwardtomkat287 tomkat287
1,489,546 tournament points
91removeChagrin Chagrin
1,476,309 tournament points
92removeIPDE IPDE
1,454,476 tournament points
93removeMagnum55 Magnum55
1,450,614 tournament points
94removesandyp sandyp
1,440,489 tournament points
95removeMagerTom MagerTom
1,435,279 tournament points
96removejedwins jedwins
1,430,720 tournament points
97removeKelvinator58 Kelvinator58
1,425,068 tournament points
98removebbruin bbruin
1,424,936 tournament points
99removeThonBl7ror ThonBl7ror
1,404,706 tournament points
100removeCoprolitis Coprolitis
1,400,505 tournament points
Final rankings for 40,818 players
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