RTC 2024 - Registration

RTC 2024 - Registration

In order to make a team for the Replay Team Championship 2024, you will need to follow the instructions below. Our dedicated staff will be available to answer any questions you might have - contact details are at the bottom of this page.

  • This promotion is free to enter.
  • Form a team with two other players.
  • Assign each player a unique letter from A/B/C.
  • Player A is the captain of the team.
  • The captain of the team is to email: teamchampionships@replaypoker.com with their team name & team member details (usernames and corresponding letter A, B or C).
  • Each team member is also required to email in confirming that they wish to play on your team. They must confirm the team name, who is the captain of the team and which letter they have been assigned.
  • We will confirm receipt with an email and we will manually register everyone to each event, each week.
  • The cut off for team registration is 23:59 ET on Friday, June 14th, 2024. No registrations will be accepted after this deadline.

What if I don't have a team?

Sometimes it's not easy to form a team, especially if you are new to the community. However, we have something to help you. Head on over to the Replay Forum, where have a dedicated forum thread for matching up players to form a team. You'll be able to post letting others know that you're looking for a team, or reply to others who are looking to form up.

If you have any question regarding team registration or the team championship, feel free to contact teamchampionships@replaypoker.com or our dear support team at support@replaypoker.com.