RWG 2025 - Day #3 - Biathlon

RWG 2025 - Day #3 - Biathlon

Welcome to day 3 of the Replay Winter Games! Today is a test of skiing and shooting, the Biathlon.


On Wednesday, February 19th you could win yourself a medal playing PL Omaha PKO MTTs!

There are eight events spread throughout the day, with 150,000 chips added to each event! Earn as many tournament points as you can to share in the spoils of the leaderboard and maybe even earn a medal!

Each event is 20,000 chips to buyin, and has a seven minute clock.

Good luck competitors!


| 02:00 ET | 05:00 ET | 08:00 ET | 11:00 ET | 14:00 ET | 17:00 ET | 20:00 ET | 23:00 ET |


| PL Omaha PKO 150k Added | PL Omaha PKO 150k Added | PL Omaha PKO 150k Added | PL Omaha PKO 150k Added | PL Omaha PKO 150k Added | PL Omaha PKO 150k Added | PL Omaha PKO 150k Added | PL Omaha PKO 150k Added |

Head on over to the MTT Lobby to find the events.


Final rankings for 162 players
12 arrow_upwardguguce guguceLatviaGold Medal
87,242 tournament points
400,000 chips
2removeFoxForce5 FoxForce5Isle of ManSilver Medal
79,139 tournament points
280,000 chips
33 arrow_upwardTallrockstar TallrockstarUnited KingdomBronze Medal
73,929 tournament points
200,000 chips
41 arrow_upwardJefferonski JefferonskiUnited States
71,866 tournament points
140,000 chips
51 arrow_downward-o_V_o- -o_V_o-Netherlands
69,018 tournament points
100,000 chips
62 arrow_upwardChicagoSerbs ChicagoSerbsUnited States
64,993 tournament points
80,000 chips
7removebobbymac1 bobbymac1United States
64,259 tournament points
65,000 chips
81 arrow_upwardmorcosborcos morcosborcosCanada
56,978 tournament points
55,000 chips
91 arrow_upwardDirtrydog123 Dirtrydog123United States
48,769 tournament points
45,000 chips
104 arrow_upwardThailand4ever Thailand4everGermany
47,605 tournament points
35,000 chips
11removehyw19 hyw19United States
45,248 tournament points
25,000 chips
124 arrow_upwardwill_lira will_liraUnited States
43,090 tournament points
25,000 chips
131 arrow_downwardIllcallall IllcallallCanada
43,076 tournament points
25,000 chips
141 arrow_downwardROTTWEILER ROTTWEILERUnited States
41,439 tournament points
25,000 chips
154 arrow_upwardBigjake410 Bigjake410United States
37,782 tournament points
25,000 chips
161 arrow_downwardBigrudge BigrudgeUnited States
35,561 tournament points
20,000 chips
173 arrow_upwardopsco opscoUnited States
34,979 tournament points
20,000 chips
1812 arrow_upwardsulli1 sulli1United States
34,897 tournament points
20,000 chips
192 arrow_downwardBuddhaPest BuddhaPestUnited States
34,888 tournament points
20,000 chips
202 arrow_downwardSassy_Sarah Sassy_SarahUnited States
32,821 tournament points
20,000 chips
21new circleLadmo LadmoUnited States
28,051 tournament points
15,000 chips
221 arrow_downwardPeer20 Peer20Spain
28,007 tournament points
15,000 chips
231 arrow_downwardone1one one1oneUnited States
27,893 tournament points
15,000 chips
241 arrow_downward505UPUNXL 505UPUNXLUnited States
27,571 tournament points
15,000 chips
251 arrow_downwardMIYY4U MIYY4UEcuador
26,548 tournament points
15,000 chips
261 arrow_downwardLelaina LelainaGermany
26,338 tournament points
15,000 chips
271 arrow_downwardRabbit230 Rabbit230United Kingdom
26,203 tournament points
15,000 chips
281 arrow_downwardmdjones2 mdjones2United States
26,132 tournament points
15,000 chips
291 arrow_downwardcmdealin cmdealinUnited States
25,517 tournament points
15,000 chips
301 arrow_downwardBandit2525 Bandit2525United States
25,145 tournament points
15,000 chips
31removedonkatwork donkatworkUnited States
20,808 tournament points
12,500 chips
32removeNtheWind NtheWindUnited States
20,531 tournament points
12,500 chips
33remove3sister311 3sister311United States
20,302 tournament points
12,500 chips
34removezapfen66 zapfen66Germany
20,158 tournament points
12,500 chips
35removeCRASCH69 CRASCH69Italy
19,955 tournament points
12,500 chips
36removeBryceBall3 BryceBall3United States
19,835 tournament points
12,500 chips
-new circledonkaRoo donkaRooAustralia
19,835 tournament points
12,500 chips
381 arrow_downwardCalicokitten CalicokittenUnited States
18,383 tournament points
12,500 chips
391 arrow_downwardPaul310 Paul310United States
18,364 tournament points
12,500 chips
401 arrow_downwardSpgodog SpgodogUnited States
17,979 tournament points
12,500 chips
411 arrow_downwardbaddogharry baddogharryUnited States
17,977 tournament points
10,000 chips
421 arrow_downwardVamosalaplaya VamosalaplayaSwitzerland
17,846 tournament points
10,000 chips
431 arrow_downwardbillfromlv billfromlvUnited States
17,716 tournament points
10,000 chips
441 arrow_downwardrogue68 rogue68United States
17,701 tournament points
10,000 chips
4515 arrow_upwarddrigoro drigoroArgentina
16,703 tournament points
10,000 chips
462 arrow_downwardpierredls pierredlsFrance
16,410 tournament points
10,000 chips
472 arrow_downwarddano8 dano8United States
15,843 tournament points
10,000 chips
482 arrow_downwardPlayerAF PlayerAFUnited States
15,726 tournament points
10,000 chips
492 arrow_downwardBlechi BlechiGermany
15,456 tournament points
10,000 chips
502 arrow_downwardmerney merneyUnited States
14,690 tournament points
10,000 chips
512 arrow_downwardnikpadova nikpadovaItaly
14,356 tournament points
522 arrow_downwardJust42day Just42dayUnited States
14,192 tournament points
532 arrow_downwardargamekon argamekonCroatia
14,039 tournament points
5486 arrow_upwardRonel RonelAustralia
14,026 tournament points
-2 arrow_downwardspotfx spotfxMalta
14,026 tournament points
563 arrow_downwardgrumpygranny grumpygrannyUnited States
13,824 tournament points
573 arrow_downwardIdareloader IdareloaderUnited States
13,291 tournament points
583 arrow_downwardSupnzi SupnziUnited States
12,985 tournament points
593 arrow_downwardenrico001 enrico001Germany
12,712 tournament points
60new circlevolley7 volley7Canada
12,545 tournament points
614 arrow_downwardKinJunong KinJunongUnited States
12,489 tournament points
624 arrow_downwardwhoknew352 whoknew352Ecuador
12,290 tournament points
634 arrow_downwardcharlieo1944 charlieo1944United States
11,985 tournament points
64new circleStinky_Herb Stinky_HerbUnited States
11,452 tournament points
654 arrow_downwardGallardoMessi GallardoMessiArgentina
11,246 tournament points
664 arrow_downwardDVills DVillsCanada
10,993 tournament points
674 arrow_downwardengeltwo engeltwoGermany
10,929 tournament points
68new circleDUTTYCMMB DUTTYCMMBAustralia
10,603 tournament points
695 arrow_downwardTallmanUS TallmanUSUnited States
10,304 tournament points
705 arrow_downwardxNEMESISx xNEMESISxUnited States
10,266 tournament points
715 arrow_downwarddashingdoug dashingdougAustralia
9,918 tournament points
72new circlechilapo chilapoUnited States
9,351 tournament points
736 arrow_downwardPos111 Pos111United States
9,182 tournament points
-6 arrow_downwardrsmith200 rsmith200United States
9,182 tournament points
756 arrow_downwardwimbun wimbunNetherlands
8,891 tournament points
76new circlegrit45 grit45United States
8,871 tournament points
-6 arrow_downwardMickeyMantle MickeyMantleAustralia
8,871 tournament points
787 arrow_downwardFoldaflush FoldaflushNetherlands
8,458 tournament points
797 arrow_downwardMaToy MaToyThailand
8,289 tournament points
807 arrow_downwardHalcon2620 Halcon2620Mexico
8,249 tournament points
817 arrow_downwardcowboycool cowboycoolUnited States
8,159 tournament points
82new circleBeulahlee BeulahleeSouth Africa
8,098 tournament points
838 arrow_downwardLuckyKiller LuckyKillerUnited States
8,040 tournament points
848 arrow_downwardeddiega eddiegaUnited States
7,780 tournament points
858 arrow_downwardQwekcok QwekcokNetherlands
7,773 tournament points
868 arrow_downwardstan_quebrick stan_quebrickUnited States
7,760 tournament points
878 arrow_downwardDrSbastian DrSbastianIsrael
7,728 tournament points
888 arrow_downwarderic59160 eric59160France
7,674 tournament points
898 arrow_downwardSweetJohnDee SweetJohnDeeUnited States
7,582 tournament points
908 arrow_downwardDosman728 Dosman728Australia
7,497 tournament points
-8 arrow_downwardGrandpa72 Grandpa72United States
7,497 tournament points
-new circleStGeorge StGeorgeAustralia
7,497 tournament points
-8 arrow_downwardwerphil werphilGermany
7,497 tournament points
94new circleMalloryGpa MalloryGpaUnited States
7,243 tournament points
9510 arrow_downwardFitski FitskiGermany
7,178 tournament points
9610 arrow_downwardaugust69 august69United States
7,096 tournament points
9710 arrow_downwardchfsmokmplnty chfsmokmplntyUnited States
6,974 tournament points
9810 arrow_downwardKingofChess64 KingofChess64Netherlands
6,912 tournament points
9910 arrow_downward6ft6 6ft6United States
6,897 tournament points
100new circlelofopp lofoppMexico
6,804 tournament points
-10 arrow_downwardwofass wofassCzech Republic
6,804 tournament points
10211 arrow_downwardML4fun ML4funUnited States
6,721 tournament points
10311 arrow_downwardQuitaFichas QuitaFichasVenezuela
6,646 tournament points
104new circleSuperCheezWZL SuperCheezWZLUnited States
6,612 tournament points
10512 arrow_downwardtuckerse tuckerseUnited States
6,604 tournament points
10612 arrow_downwardStaces3ann Staces3annUnited States
6,570 tournament points
10712 arrow_downwardSuperboyzzz SuperboyzzzThailand
6,493 tournament points
108new circleValderes ValderesBrazil
6,436 tournament points
10913 arrow_downwardSunPoker SunPokerUnited States
6,316 tournament points
11013 arrow_downwardfredo01 fredo01France
6,310 tournament points
11113 arrow_downwardSab594 Sab594France
6,273 tournament points
11213 arrow_downwardrtraub rtraubUnited States
6,244 tournament points
11313 arrow_downwardSnake_37 Snake_37United States
6,217 tournament points
11413 arrow_downwardB49 B49United States
6,183 tournament points
11513 arrow_downwardvbland vblandUnited States
6,145 tournament points
11613 arrow_downwardBromac57 Bromac57United States
6,122 tournament points
-13 arrow_downwardPochita8 Pochita8Peru
6,122 tournament points
11813 arrow_downwarddust42 dust42Germany
6,078 tournament points
11913 arrow_downwardGringuito GringuitoSpain
6,052 tournament points
12013 arrow_downwardbushhead bushheadUnited States
6,011 tournament points
12113 arrow_downwardhogg60 hogg60United States
5,993 tournament points
12213 arrow_downwardalenelina alenelinaGermany
5,981 tournament points
12313 arrow_downwardchuckster69 chuckster69United States
5,962 tournament points
12413 arrow_downwardGTEA GTEAAustralia
5,958 tournament points
12513 arrow_downwardthebarker thebarkerUnited States
5,949 tournament points
12613 arrow_downwardPong66 Pong66Belgium
5,911 tournament points
12713 arrow_downwardlagrandota lagrandotaPeru
5,849 tournament points
12813 arrow_downward4theville 4thevilleUnited States
5,847 tournament points
12913 arrow_downwardgraham12 graham12United States
5,794 tournament points
13013 arrow_downwardmailman1106 mailman1106United States
5,769 tournament points
13113 arrow_downwardShortFatnBald ShortFatnBaldPhilippines
5,758 tournament points
13213 arrow_downwardpokerbonus pokerbonusNetherlands
5,740 tournament points
133new circlebambam5 bambam5Thailand
5,726 tournament points
13414 arrow_downwardseavoyager seavoyagerUnited States
5,668 tournament points
13514 arrow_downwardCoolDonald CoolDonaldGermany
5,644 tournament points
13614 arrow_downwardmanderson55 manderson55United States
5,631 tournament points
13714 arrow_downwardLeodoka2 Leodoka2Canada
5,623 tournament points
13814 arrow_downwardclodo1er clodo1erFrance
5,560 tournament points
13914 arrow_downwardtrujoker trujokerUnited States
5,554 tournament points
14014 arrow_downwardSunnydee SunnydeeUnited States
5,552 tournament points
14114 arrow_downwardDillbee DillbeeUnited States
5,548 tournament points
14214 arrow_downwardPeekisapup PeekisapupUnited States
5,502 tournament points
14314 arrow_downwardGG74 GG74Netherlands
5,492 tournament points
14414 arrow_downwardbretagne5644 bretagne5644France
5,483 tournament points
14514 arrow_downwardMrkingdom MrkingdomSweden
5,429 tournament points
14614 arrow_downwardguest520287 guest520287United States
5,426 tournament points
14714 arrow_downwardPepeillo1960 Pepeillo1960Spain
5,423 tournament points
14814 arrow_downwardgoodoldboy goodoldboyUnited States
5,421 tournament points
14914 arrow_downwardWolfK WolfKGermany
5,416 tournament points
15014 arrow_downwardStretchIzill StretchIzillUnited States
5,364 tournament points
15114 arrow_downwardlivewire32 livewire32United States
5,302 tournament points
-14 arrow_downwardMazatecoM MazatecoMMexico
5,302 tournament points
-14 arrow_downwardMrArmy MrArmyUnited States
5,302 tournament points
15414 arrow_downwardEudin EudinBelgium
-14 arrow_downwardGimmiemonster GimmiemonsterUnited States
-14 arrow_downwardKalasin KalasinThailand
-14 arrow_downwardmcmama mcmamaUnited States
-new circleOMGLUVU OMGLUVUUnited States
-14 arrow_downwardpenaareia penaareiaBrazil
-14 arrow_downwardPilot704 Pilot704United States
-14 arrow_downwardReapergrimm ReapergrimmSouth Africa
-14 arrow_downwardstu943 stu943United States