Father's Day Funky Fun Rebuys 2021

Father's Day Funky Fun Rebuys 2021

Father's Day Funky Fun Rebuys are back by popular demand!

Running from Monday, June 14th through Sunday, June 20th, come and play in these fun and funky NL Hold'em events and win mountains of chips! Our Funky Rebuys are four-handed, turbo rebuy events, with a buy-in of 1,500 chips.

Each event features four rebuys, with an additional optional add-on. Each rebuy and add-on costs 1,500 chips. Each tournament will have an added prize of 100,000 chips.

There is also a special leaderboard for this event, which tracks the number of KOs that you have made and pays out a share of 750,000 to the winners!

For clarity, a bustout can only be scored if: 1) You eliminate a player after the rebuy period has ended. 2) You eliminate a player who does not rebuy. 3) A player rebuys when they lose a pot and have exactly zero chips.


| 00:30 ET | 04:30 ET | 08:30 ET | 12:30 ET | 16:30 ET | 20:30 ET |


| Father's Day Funky Rebuy | Father's Day Funky Rebuy | Father's Day Funky Rebuy | Father's Day Funky Rebuy| Father's Day Funky Rebuy| Father's Day Funky Rebuy|


Leaderboard Name Prize Pool Prize Positions
Knock Outs 750,000 chips Top 20

From everyone at Replay, have a happy Father's Day!