RWG #14 - Curling

RWG #14 - Curling

Welcome to day 14 of the Replay Winter Games. Today's event is Curling!

Join us Sunday, March 3rd, for Curling! Curling is a SnG event, available in four game types, meaning four times the leaderboards, four times the prizes and four times the medal opportunities!

Will you be on target for the gold or will you hit the backline?


Game Entry Fee Players Starting Stack Blind Clock
PL Omaha 500 Chips 9 Max 1,000 5 Mins
PL Omaha Hi/Lo 500 Chips 9 Max 1,000 5 Mins
NL Hold'em 500 Chips 9 Max 1,000 5 Mins
NL Royal 500 Chips 6 Max 1,000 5 Mins


As there are four kinds of games available, that means there is an individual 1,000,000 free chip and medal leaderboard for each game type!

Leaderboard Prize Pool Prize Positions
PL Omaha Tournament Points 1,000,000 Free Chips Top 50
PL Omaha Hi/Lo Tournament Points 1,000,000 Free Chips Top 50
NL Hold'em Tournament Points 1,000,000 Free Chips Top 50
Royal Tournament Points 1,000,000 Free Chips Top 50

MEDAL WINNERS Omaha Hi/Lo: Gold - morcosborcos | Canada Silver - laskeia | Colombia Bronze - JR | USA

Omaha: Gold - morcosborcos | Canada Silver - guguce | Latvia Bronze - laskeia | Colombia

Hold'em: Gold - Matchstk | USA Silver - Coastindude | USA Bronze - mrdatek | USA

Royal: Gold - morcosborcos | Canada Silver - laskeia | Colombia Bronze - cas- | South Africa

Important Notes: -RWG#14 SnG will appear in Dark Blue in the SnG Lobby.