Super Bowl Touchdown Chase 2025 - 15K LB

Super Bowl Touchdown Chase 2025 - 15K LB

This leaderboard is attached to the Super Bowl Touchdown Chase promotion, and tracks how many Touchdowns (1st places) you have earned over the course of the week.

The leaderboard for the 15,000 buyin events will pay out 5,000,000 free chips to the top 20 players with the most number of wins.


Final rankings for 308 players
1removemorcosborcos morcosborcos
21 wins
2,000,000 chips
2removemscullins2 mscullins2
15 wins
1,000,000 chips
3removeBuddhaPest BuddhaPest
10 wins
500,000 chips
4removeHalohonk Halohonk
9 wins
325,000 chips
-removeIllcallall Illcallall
9 wins
325,000 chips
6removebayBa bayBa
6 wins
200,000 chips
7remove1960Royal 1960Royal
5 wins
125,000 chips
-removemickey1414 mickey1414
5 wins
125,000 chips
9removedkyps dkyps
3 wins
62,500 chips
-removeguguce guguce
3 wins
62,500 chips
-removeone1one one1one
3 wins
62,500 chips
-removeRd260 Rd260
3 wins
62,500 chips
13removebill2471 bill2471
2 wins
12,500 chips
2 wins
12,500 chips
-removeDangerBaby DangerBaby
2 wins
12,500 chips
-removedonkatwork donkatwork
2 wins
12,500 chips
-removeFrankieRizzo FrankieRizzo
2 wins
12,500 chips
-removejanice1952 janice1952
2 wins
12,500 chips
2 wins
12,500 chips
-removepgambill pgambill
2 wins
12,500 chips
-removerudyv1 rudyv1
2 wins
12,500 chips
-removeSamPrete SamPrete
2 wins
12,500 chips
-removetornado1 tornado1
2 wins
12,500 chips
-removeYourQueen1 YourQueen1
2 wins
12,500 chips
25remove22georgina 22georgina
1 win
-removeasso777 asso777
1 win
-removeazsandkicker azsandkicker
1 win
-removeB1uE3yeZ13 B1uE3yeZ13
1 win
1 win
-removeBromac57 Bromac57
1 win
-removeBucky12734 Bucky12734
1 win
-removeca549650 ca549650
1 win
-removeCardRack CardRack
1 win
-removeDaddyJordan24 DaddyJordan24
1 win
-removedesperateman desperateman
1 win
-removeDorod Dorod
1 win
-removedovesales dovesales
1 win
-removeDrDeugniet DrDeugniet
1 win
-removedurrrfilth durrrfilth
1 win
-removeForThreeeeee ForThreeeeee
1 win
-removeGuyFromWA GuyFromWA
1 win
-removeHDA0815 HDA0815
1 win
-removeIgotsquat Igotsquat
1 win
-removeJaQUIE JaQUIE
1 win
-removejarhead65 jarhead65
1 win
-removejazzzygirl jazzzygirl
1 win
-removeJefferonski Jefferonski
1 win
-new circleJobieWan JobieWan
1 win
-removekeairaann keairaann
1 win
-removeKikko1964 Kikko1964
1 win
-removelbert1262 lbert1262
1 win
-removeleonov leonov
1 win
-removendphong ndphong
1 win
-removeninos2424 ninos2424
1 win
-removeOdinChile OdinChile
1 win
1 win
-removeOlPhart OlPhart
1 win
-removePaulTheStar PaulTheStar
1 win
-removeqwalt qwalt
1 win
-removeRA-Son RA-Son
1 win
-removerockinabox rockinabox
1 win
-removerogerrabbit1a rogerrabbit1a
1 win
-removeRrrccc Rrrccc
1 win
-removescumdog123 scumdog123
1 win
-removestarbritexx starbritexx
1 win
-removestirli stirli
1 win
-removeStorm1803 Storm1803
1 win
-removetoraya74 toraya74
1 win
-removeWindy13 Windy13
1 win
701 arrow_downward-Dire--Wolf- -Dire--Wolf-
-1 arrow_downward1111oSPo1111 1111oSPo1111
-1 arrow_downward17171greg 17171greg
-1 arrow_downward1lukydog 1lukydog
-1 arrow_downward255 255
-1 arrow_downward2sixpacs 2sixpacs
-1 arrow_downwardA2018A2018 A2018A2018
-1 arrow_downwardAbhunter Abhunter
-1 arrow_downwardAidamom Aidamom
-1 arrow_downwardaknaipols aknaipols
-1 arrow_downwardAl345 Al345
-1 arrow_downwardAlBeNside55 AlBeNside55
-1 arrow_downwardalex0o alex0o
-1 arrow_downwardamerri amerri
-1 arrow_downwardantpea antpea
-1 arrow_downwardArchivaba Archivaba
-1 arrow_downwardArchLinux ArchLinux
-1 arrow_downwardathensoh athensoh
-1 arrow_downwardBanko23 Banko23
-1 arrow_downwardbantom bantom
-1 arrow_downwardBarnacleT29 BarnacleT29
-1 arrow_downwardbartman412 bartman412
-1 arrow_downwardbc66 bc66
-1 arrow_downwardBeemeeba13 Beemeeba13
-1 arrow_downwardBewsiide Bewsiide
-1 arrow_downwardbigstack86 bigstack86
-1 arrow_downwardBillcanada Billcanada
-1 arrow_downwardbluessinger bluessinger
-1 arrow_downwardboardy boardy
-1 arrow_downwardbobbymac1 bobbymac1
-1 arrow_downwardBradNSW BradNSW
-1 arrow_downwardBrutispoons Brutispoons
-1 arrow_downwardbubbaloon bubbaloon
-1 arrow_downwardBuckeye Buckeye
-1 arrow_downwardBZB BZB
-1 arrow_downwardcactus46 cactus46
-1 arrow_downwardCalicokitten Calicokitten
-1 arrow_downwardCallmeDeb CallmeDeb
-1 arrow_downwardchuck474 chuck474
-1 arrow_downwardchuito5 chuito5
-1 arrow_downwardCoprolitis Coprolitis
-1 arrow_downwardcrankybuzzard crankybuzzard
-1 arrow_downwardcrbruce crbruce
-1 arrow_downwardcuthberto cuthberto
-1 arrow_downwardcvrub cvrub
-1 arrow_downwarddaaned daaned
-1 arrow_downwarddangerusone dangerusone
-1 arrow_downwarddarkmana darkmana
-1 arrow_downwardDavson1 Davson1
-1 arrow_downwarddbog dbog
-1 arrow_downwardDeHeik DeHeik
-1 arrow_downwarddiamondchip diamondchip
-1 arrow_downwardDillonSacs DillonSacs
-1 arrow_downwardDIPPLER DIPPLER
-1 arrow_downwardDirtrydog123 Dirtrydog123
-1 arrow_downwardDjNicholasH DjNicholasH
-1 arrow_downwarddm1972 dm1972
-new circledolphin93 dolphin93
-1 arrow_downwarddpe1 dpe1
-1 arrow_downwarddragondash98 dragondash98
-1 arrow_downwarddrobinkorea drobinkorea
-1 arrow_downwardDukeroo1 Dukeroo1
-1 arrow_downwarddvfirk dvfirk
-1 arrow_downwardEderskall Ederskall
-1 arrow_downwardedwinner edwinner
-1 arrow_downwardermengarde ermengarde
-1 arrow_downwarderonlp eronlp
-1 arrow_downwardetf123 etf123
-1 arrow_downwardEudin Eudin
-1 arrow_downwardEva312 Eva312
-1 arrow_downwardfishermanj fishermanj
-1 arrow_downwardFitski Fitski
-1 arrow_downwardflopstergeist flopstergeist
-1 arrow_downwardfountainhead fountainhead
-1 arrow_downwardfrankgeorges frankgeorges
-1 arrow_downwardFrechly Frechly
-1 arrow_downwardfrederico2 frederico2
-1 arrow_downwardFrei-Jack Frei-Jack
-1 arrow_downwardgatocenizo gatocenizo
-1 arrow_downwardGezaclanismo Gezaclanismo
-1 arrow_downwardghenry ghenry
-1 arrow_downwardGilz Gilz
-1 arrow_downwardGlen0966 Glen0966
-1 arrow_downwardglennyboy301 glennyboy301
-1 arrow_downwardgobbledock73 gobbledock73
-1 arrow_downwardGoodcut Goodcut
-1 arrow_downwardguestmt guestmt
-1 arrow_downwardGulf_gator Gulf_gator
-1 arrow_downwardgurot gurot
-1 arrow_downwardguru25 guru25
-1 arrow_downwardgzh1313 gzh1313
-1 arrow_downwardhackiii hackiii
-1 arrow_downwardHardhitter Hardhitter
-1 arrow_downwardhessman hessman
-1 arrow_downwardhiltonman hiltonman
-1 arrow_downwardHotace Hotace
-1 arrow_downwardHowie2000_ Howie2000_
-1 arrow_downwardhundylegs hundylegs
-1 arrow_downwardIRIS192418 IRIS192418
-1 arrow_downwardIseldombluff Iseldombluff
-1 arrow_downwardI_B_Em I_B_Em
-1 arrow_downwardjack702 jack702
-1 arrow_downwardJaxorBettor JaxorBettor
-1 arrow_downwardjcasey1970 jcasey1970
-1 arrow_downwardJDY1 JDY1
-1 arrow_downwardjesusayala jesusayala
-1 arrow_downwardJG1000 JG1000
-1 arrow_downwardJohnMiller JohnMiller
-1 arrow_downwardjohnnymack johnnymack
-1 arrow_downwardJoshbonecrush Joshbonecrush
-1 arrow_downwardjuliogrutas juliogrutas
-1 arrow_downwardJustHavenFun JustHavenFun
-1 arrow_downwardK3L664 K3L664
-1 arrow_downwardkaraparaa karaparaa
-1 arrow_downwardKingofChess64 KingofChess64
-1 arrow_downwardkmkkmkkmk kmkkmkkmk
-1 arrow_downwardknbsts knbsts
-1 arrow_downwardlebojacques lebojacques
-1 arrow_downwardLemon111 Lemon111
-1 arrow_downwardlesla212 lesla212
-1 arrow_downwardlivewire32 livewire32
-1 arrow_downwardloref8843 loref8843
-1 arrow_downwardloscar71 loscar71
-1 arrow_downwardlouislousi louislousi
-1 arrow_downwardLupe09 Lupe09
-1 arrow_downwardLuz_PP Luz_PP
-1 arrow_downwardMaartenbr Maartenbr
-1 arrow_downwardmaladkid maladkid
-1 arrow_downwardmamamucker mamamucker
-1 arrow_downwardMarkM1 MarkM1
-1 arrow_downwardmauricio1204 mauricio1204
-1 arrow_downwardMayhemSlave MayhemSlave
-1 arrow_downwardMeKot MeKot
-1 arrow_downwardmexican72 mexican72
-1 arrow_downwardMISCHK MISCHK
-1 arrow_downwardmki09 mki09
-1 arrow_downwardmolyman molyman
-1 arrow_downwardMoneyRacker66 MoneyRacker66
-1 arrow_downwardMonterosso Monterosso
-1 arrow_downwardmooper mooper
-1 arrow_downwardMoruk Moruk
-1 arrow_downwardMyChipsNotUrs MyChipsNotUrs
-1 arrow_downwardMyrt1A Myrt1A
-1 arrow_downwardnatdpat natdpat
-1 arrow_downwardNewclassical Newclassical
-1 arrow_downwardNotCyclops NotCyclops
-1 arrow_downwardNovocain Novocain
-1 arrow_downwardoblra oblra
-1 arrow_downwardOhhhSnap OhhhSnap
-1 arrow_downwardOiltycoon Oiltycoon
-1 arrow_downwardornithicus ornithicus
-1 arrow_downwardotros otros
-1 arrow_downwardpaabloo00 paabloo00
-1 arrow_downwardPapiPoder PapiPoder
-1 arrow_downwardpats1sb36 pats1sb36
-1 arrow_downwardPaul310 Paul310
-1 arrow_downwardPaulmiki Paulmiki
-1 arrow_downwardpeltron5 peltron5
-1 arrow_downwardphibbs phibbs
-1 arrow_downwardphysics_bee physics_bee
-1 arrow_downwardPinnacleT PinnacleT
-1 arrow_downwardPokeHer101 PokeHer101
-1 arrow_downwardpokertimeply pokertimeply
-1 arrow_downwardpoochyb12 poochyb12
-1 arrow_downwardPretendAnalog PretendAnalog
-1 arrow_downwardQC6SA QC6SA
-1 arrow_downwardQrsDrs QrsDrs
-1 arrow_downwardqueensday queensday
-1 arrow_downwardrahn rahn
-1 arrow_downwardraoul_duke69 raoul_duke69
-1 arrow_downwardRflovespoker Rflovespoker
-1 arrow_downwardroadking13 roadking13
-1 arrow_downwardrobbyrob15 robbyrob15
-1 arrow_downwardRossASAP RossASAP
-1 arrow_downwardRRSPORT RRSPORT
-1 arrow_downwardrwalker75 rwalker75
-1 arrow_downwardsafc safc
-1 arrow_downwardsaltwaterhokr saltwaterhokr
-1 arrow_downwardscentient scentient
-1 arrow_downwardScheitan Scheitan
-1 arrow_downwardseb6 seb6
-1 arrow_downwardSENSEI-101 SENSEI-101
-1 arrow_downwardshambless shambless
-1 arrow_downwardsheep1261 sheep1261
-1 arrow_downwardshemp2010 shemp2010
-1 arrow_downwardshoehorn shoehorn
-1 arrow_downwardShpeen Shpeen
-1 arrow_downwardSikopal Sikopal
-1 arrow_downwardSLEDGECAL SLEDGECAL
-1 arrow_downwardSlicktone28 Slicktone28
-1 arrow_downwardsmell6 smell6
-1 arrow_downwardsmugface4u smugface4u
-1 arrow_downwardsoledad33 soledad33
-1 arrow_downwardSonofThunder SonofThunder
-1 arrow_downwardsteadychips steadychips
-1 arrow_downwardsteel2701 steel2701
-1 arrow_downwardstokecat stokecat
-1 arrow_downwardStrykerking83 Strykerking83
-1 arrow_downwardsuicidalchaos suicidalchaos
-1 arrow_downwardSunnydee Sunnydee
-1 arrow_downwardsweetjoyce sweetjoyce
-1 arrow_downwardtajogi tajogi
-1 arrow_downwardTalisker10 Talisker10
-1 arrow_downwardteckert teckert
-1 arrow_downwardteejay7633 teejay7633
-1 arrow_downwardTeeRock TeeRock
-1 arrow_downwardthegupster thegupster
-1 arrow_downwardTinaB1 TinaB1
-1 arrow_downwardTKM4 TKM4
-1 arrow_downwardTommyJr TommyJr
-1 arrow_downwardtoyota71 toyota71
-1 arrow_downwardTR11078 TR11078
-1 arrow_downwardTrilero Trilero
-1 arrow_downwardTrish-da-Fish Trish-da-Fish
-1 arrow_downwardtunemarshall tunemarshall
-1 arrow_downwardTwobadall Twobadall
-1 arrow_downwardverti verti
-1 arrow_downwardvipertek vipertek
-1 arrow_downwardVPlayerGod VPlayerGod
-1 arrow_downwardWendo Wendo
-1 arrow_downwardwhalerz whalerz
-1 arrow_downwardwhitey55555 whitey55555
-1 arrow_downwardWickedSic63 WickedSic63
-1 arrow_downwardWilhelm1959 Wilhelm1959
-1 arrow_downwardwindycityz windycityz
-1 arrow_downwardWoifal Woifal
-1 arrow_downwardwoliver12 woliver12
-1 arrow_downwardWoodgate Woodgate
-1 arrow_downwardxPorkxSodax xPorkxSodax
-1 arrow_downwardxy11 xy11
-1 arrow_downwardyouno youno
-1 arrow_downwardzebolon zebolon
-1 arrow_downwardZekeWinOakDOT ZekeWinOakDOT
-1 arrow_downwardZeuhL ZeuhL
-1 arrow_downwardzinfuldon zinfuldon
-1 arrow_downwardzorkman zorkman
-1 arrow_downward_Gecko_ _Gecko_
-1 arrow_downward_vagabond _vagabond