January Sprints - Day 6 Sprint 3 LB

January Sprints - Day 6 Sprint 3 LB

This daily leaderboard tracks how many SnG tournament points you collect during Day 6 Sprint 3 of our January Sprints. This sprint will take place from 12:00 ET to 16:00 ET on Saturday, January 25th.

If you are in the top 20 players of the sprint, you will win a share of 2,500,000 chips! Chip prizes will be credited at the end of the day, ET time.

Visit this page for more info on how the January Sprints work.


Final rankings for 69 players
1removeSab594 Sab594
226,943 tournament points
350,000 chips
2removeplayforfunV playforfunV
223,868 tournament points
300,000 chips
3removecreek55 creek55
210,077 tournament points
250,000 chips
4removeYourQueen1 YourQueen1
176,998 tournament points
200,000 chips
5removemichel5907 michel5907
164,091 tournament points
150,000 chips
6removeBillcanada Billcanada
139,155 tournament points
100,000 chips
7removemamamucker mamamucker
129,818 tournament points
100,000 chips
8removeKingofChess64 KingofChess64
102,272 tournament points
100,000 chips
9removeone1one one1one
75,993 tournament points
100,000 chips
10removeOhhhSnap OhhhSnap
73,152 tournament points
100,000 chips
11removefrankgeorges frankgeorges
35,385 tournament points
75,000 chips
12removeSchroed Schroed
31,581 tournament points
75,000 chips
13removeglennyboy301 glennyboy301
30,159 tournament points
75,000 chips
14removedonkatwork donkatwork
27,546 tournament points
75,000 chips
15removeAsir01 Asir01
23,666 tournament points
75,000 chips
16removeScheitan Scheitan
22,168 tournament points
75,000 chips
17removeamerri amerri
20,977 tournament points
75,000 chips
-removeLarrysGreat48 LarrysGreat48
20,977 tournament points
75,000 chips
-removeMoonknight Moonknight
20,977 tournament points
75,000 chips
20removeLLarryG LLarryG
19,786 tournament points
75,000 chips
21removeteckert teckert
18,288 tournament points
22removebigguyfm bigguyfm
15,675 tournament points
-removeCreeks82girl Creeks82girl
15,675 tournament points
-removeThonBl7ror ThonBl7ror
15,675 tournament points
-removeXXC63 XXC63
15,675 tournament points
-removeyaleos yaleos
15,675 tournament points
27removeManiacal1 Maniacal1
14,484 tournament points
-removestefan1898 stefan1898
14,484 tournament points
29removeroshep roshep
12,986 tournament points
30removeBlue-Jeans Blue-Jeans
11,795 tournament points
-removehessman hessman
11,795 tournament points
-removehudwiser8 hudwiser8
11,795 tournament points
-removerapids rapids
11,795 tournament points
34removea53779 a53779
9,182 tournament points
-removecheech1953 cheech1953
9,182 tournament points
-removeFeronica Feronica
9,182 tournament points
-removeKolur Kolur
9,182 tournament points
-removeluirlo luirlo
9,182 tournament points
-removeTwobadall Twobadall
9,182 tournament points
-removewhitey55555 whitey55555
9,182 tournament points
41removeamenis04 amenis04
6,493 tournament points
-removeAnn122020 Ann122020
6,493 tournament points
-removeBobby1T Bobby1T
6,493 tournament points
-removeBurgerita Burgerita
6,493 tournament points
-new circleCey62 Cey62
6,493 tournament points
-removefountainhead fountainhead
6,493 tournament points
-removegintstan gintstan
6,493 tournament points
-removeJulbug Julbug
6,493 tournament points
-removemarthaburns marthaburns
6,493 tournament points
-removeMIYY4U MIYY4U
6,493 tournament points
-removeOiltycoon Oiltycoon
6,493 tournament points
-removePinnacleT PinnacleT
6,493 tournament points
-removeraoul_duke69 raoul_duke69
6,493 tournament points
-removetytoo tytoo
6,493 tournament points
-removewilmo111 wilmo111
6,493 tournament points
561 arrow_downward-Dire--Wolf- -Dire--Wolf-
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardAmygdala Amygdala
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardbanarne60 banarne60
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardCRodrigues CRodrigues
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardkz1000 kz1000
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardlock58 lock58
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardOneEyedJacks OneEyedJacks
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardpaperplate paperplate
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardRHO RHO
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardspidey5 spidey5
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardtcofalmont tcofalmont
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardVicovic Vicovic
5,302 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardWhammerist Whammerist
5,302 tournament points
691 arrow_downwardNiimah Niimah