Stairway to 1 Million Ticket Hunt

Stairway to 1 Million Ticket Hunt

Already climbed our Stairway to 1 Million? Here's a new challenge for you!

From Deceber 9th-15th, as part of the Santa's Christmas Festival 2024, we're adding a fun twist! Each ticket you win in the Steps to 1 Million increases your chances to grab a chunk of a fresh daily 5 Million chip prize pool! This isn't just a climb; it's a ticket hunt! Click here to view our daily leaderboards and track your progress in the ticket hunt.

We're also running a weekly leaderboard tracking how many tickets you win during the week. The player who collects the most tickets will be awarded with special Replay branded swag! You can view this weekly LB at the bottom of this page.

Need a refresher on how Stairway to 1 Million works? Click here!


Final rankings for 1,379 players
1removeFloppasaurus Floppasaurus
294 tickets
2removeYourQueen1 YourQueen1
238 tickets
3removemorcosborcos morcosborcos
204 tickets
4removeBuddhaPest BuddhaPest
132 tickets
5removeTC_01 TC_01
117 tickets
6removeSparkyDice SparkyDice
61 tickets
7removeKingofChess64 KingofChess64
59 tickets
-removeNovocain Novocain
59 tickets
-removeSupnzi Supnzi
59 tickets
10removeRoyalBohemian RoyalBohemian
58 tickets