January Sprints - Day 6 Sprint 4 LB

January Sprints - Day 6 Sprint 4 LB

This daily leaderboard tracks how many SnG tournament points you collect during Day 6 Sprint 4 of our January Sprints. This sprint will take place from 18:00 ET to 22:00 ET on Saturday, January 25th.

If you are in the top 20 players of the sprint, you will win a share of 2,500,000 chips! Chip prizes will be credited at the end of the day, ET time.

Visit this page for more info on how the January Sprints work.


Final rankings for 61 players
1removeBruddah48 Bruddah48
170,198 tournament points
350,000 chips
2removeone1one one1one
141,537 tournament points
300,000 chips
3remove69ofhearts 69ofhearts
111,454 tournament points
250,000 chips
4removeteckert teckert
98,161 tournament points
200,000 chips
5removeMountFuji MountFuji
77,415 tournament points
150,000 chips
61 arrow_upwardPaul310 Paul310
75,188 tournament points
100,000 chips
71 arrow_downwardBillcanada Billcanada
70,691 tournament points
100,000 chips
81 arrow_upwardJefferonski Jefferonski
64,122 tournament points
100,000 chips
91 arrow_downwardgobbledock73 gobbledock73
56,131 tournament points
100,000 chips
10removesteadychips steadychips
45,758 tournament points
100,000 chips
11removeOhhhSnap OhhhSnap
43,221 tournament points
75,000 chips
12removeDrogozzz_ Drogozzz_
34,270 tournament points
75,000 chips
13removeKingrambis Kingrambis
24,781 tournament points
75,000 chips
14removeMuckLuck MuckLuck
22,399 tournament points
75,000 chips
15remove57fubar 57fubar
17,097 tournament points
75,000 chips
-removeCreeks82girl Creeks82girl
17,097 tournament points
75,000 chips
17removebassfishing01 bassfishing01
15,675 tournament points
75,000 chips
-removegmoney86 gmoney86
15,675 tournament points
75,000 chips
-removeUnluckyIn UnluckyIn
15,675 tournament points
75,000 chips
20removewggdrg28 wggdrg28
14,484 tournament points
75,000 chips
21removedbog dbog
11,795 tournament points
-removedesperateman desperateman
11,795 tournament points
11,795 tournament points
-19 arrow_upwardSupnzi Supnzi
11,795 tournament points
251 arrow_downwardisgeoff isgeoff
10,604 tournament points
261 arrow_downward1lukydog 1lukydog
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downward2Words4You 2Words4You
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardbayBa bayBa
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardBizzyB BizzyB
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardHeyHandsOff HeyHandsOff
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardInsane_Ivan Insane_Ivan
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardlock58 lock58
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardLomtik Lomtik
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardmausi22 mausi22
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardPhawta Phawta
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardShrk_Bite Shrk_Bite
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardU238 U238
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardwickedchris wickedchris
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardwilmo111 wilmo111
9,182 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardyttam yttam
9,182 tournament points
411 arrow_downwardDeepmeister Deepmeister
6,493 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardglennyboy301 glennyboy301
6,493 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardLittle83Leroy Little83Leroy
6,493 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardMTCicero106BC MTCicero106BC
6,493 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardOleRibo14 OleRibo14
6,493 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardshortrsgirl1 shortrsgirl1
6,493 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardSmotPoker1969 SmotPoker1969
6,493 tournament points
-1 arrow_downwardYeti1953 Yeti1953
6,493 tournament points
49removealljoy32 alljoy32
5,302 tournament points
-removeavilior avilior
5,302 tournament points
-removebigstack86 bigstack86
5,302 tournament points
-removeDange44 Dange44
5,302 tournament points
-removeDeathPoker DeathPoker
5,302 tournament points
-removefairplaybeach fairplaybeach
5,302 tournament points
-removeJSM1 JSM1
5,302 tournament points
-removeJulbug Julbug
5,302 tournament points
-removekz1000 kz1000
5,302 tournament points
-remover82nd94 r82nd94
5,302 tournament points
-removeSetenareski Setenareski
5,302 tournament points
-removetajogi tajogi
5,302 tournament points
-removeTwobadall Twobadall
5,302 tournament points