January Sprints - Day 6 Sprint 2 LB

January Sprints - Day 6 Sprint 2 LB

This daily leaderboard tracks how many SnG tournament points you collect during Day 6 Sprint 2 of our January Sprints. This sprint will take place from 06:00 ET to 10:00 ET on Saturday, January 25th.

If you are in the top 20 players of the sprint, you will win a share of 2,500,000 chips! Chip prizes will be credited at the end of the day, ET time.

Visit this page for more info on how the January Sprints work.


Final rankings for 53 players
1removeYourQueen1 YourQueen1
242,770 tournament points
350,000 chips
2removeplayforfunV playforfunV
187,064 tournament points
300,000 chips
3removemichel5907 michel5907
129,897 tournament points
250,000 chips
4removeSab594 Sab594
128,168 tournament points
200,000 chips
5removemamamucker mamamucker
124,747 tournament points
150,000 chips
62 arrow_upwardgobbledock73 gobbledock73
100,850 tournament points
100,000 chips
71 arrow_downwardcreek55 creek55
99,583 tournament points
100,000 chips
81 arrow_downwardaknaipols aknaipols
98,623 tournament points
100,000 chips
9removefrankgeorges frankgeorges
91,592 tournament points
100,000 chips
10removeBruddah48 Bruddah48
84,215 tournament points
100,000 chips
111 arrow_upwardMountFuji MountFuji
70,615 tournament points
75,000 chips
121 arrow_downwardCarpWhisperer CarpWhisperer
70,539 tournament points
75,000 chips
13remove69ofhearts 69ofhearts
53,980 tournament points
75,000 chips
14removeDirtrydog123 Dirtrydog123
45,758 tournament points
75,000 chips
15removeCreeks82girl Creeks82girl
35,461 tournament points
75,000 chips
16removeSir_James Sir_James
23,666 tournament points
75,000 chips
17removecenzodaro cenzodaro
17,097 tournament points
75,000 chips
18remove57fubar 57fubar
15,675 tournament points
75,000 chips
19removeintradonald intradonald
14,484 tournament points
50,000 chips
-removeMaToy MaToy
14,484 tournament points
50,000 chips
-removezhao_cheng zhao_cheng
14,484 tournament points
50,000 chips
22removepaperplate paperplate
12,986 tournament points
23removeGunti54 Gunti54
11,795 tournament points
-removekz1000 kz1000
11,795 tournament points
25removemagludi magludi
10,604 tournament points
-removemailman1106 mailman1106
10,604 tournament points
27removebones211 bones211
9,182 tournament points
-removeBromac57 Bromac57
9,182 tournament points
-removefountainhead fountainhead
9,182 tournament points
-removeheights77 heights77
9,182 tournament points
-removelesla212 lesla212
9,182 tournament points
-removePappin0404 Pappin0404
9,182 tournament points
-removePatrick777 Patrick777
9,182 tournament points
-removeSallyWoodbine SallyWoodbine
9,182 tournament points
-removestan_quebrick stan_quebrick
9,182 tournament points
-removewonwom wonwom
9,182 tournament points
-removeyttam yttam
9,182 tournament points
38removecrocketshome crocketshome
6,493 tournament points
-removeElTerco ElTerco
6,493 tournament points
-removefrappazz frappazz
6,493 tournament points
-removeGezaclanismo Gezaclanismo
6,493 tournament points
-removehessman hessman
6,493 tournament points
-removeKondrad Kondrad
6,493 tournament points
-removemuckrat muckrat
6,493 tournament points
-removesteel2701 steel2701
6,493 tournament points
46removeBluebottle Bluebottle
5,302 tournament points
5,302 tournament points
-removegute-mine gute-mine
5,302 tournament points
-removejohns1958 johns1958
5,302 tournament points
-removeMickeyMantle MickeyMantle
5,302 tournament points
5,302 tournament points
-removetornado1 tornado1
5,302 tournament points
53removepuckstud puckstud