January Sprints - Day 2 Sprint 4 LB

This daily leaderboard tracks how many SnG tournament points you collect during Day 2 Sprint 4 of our January Sprints. This sprint will take place from 18:00 ET to 22:00 ET on Tuesday, January 21st.

If you are in the top 20 players of the sprint, you will win a share of 2,500,000 chips! Chip prizes will be credited at the end of the day, ET time.

Visit this page for more info on how the January Sprints work.


Rank Change Player Score Prize
1 remove pgambill 291,141 tournament points 350,000 chips
2 remove sweetjoyce 168,776 tournament points 300,000 chips
3 remove ChicagoSerbs 158,710 tournament points 250,000 chips
4 remove one1one 120,791 tournament points 200,000 chips
5 remove OHIOJAKE 103,849 tournament points 150,000 chips
6 remove MountFuji 103,463 tournament points 100,000 chips
7 remove MuckLuck 91,668 tournament points 100,000 chips
8 1 arrow_upward Blitzcreek 70,691 tournament points 100,000 chips
9 1 arrow_downward livewire32 63,162 tournament points 100,000 chips
10 remove Jefferonski 61,433 tournament points 100,000 chips
11 remove Creeks82girl 49,714 tournament points 75,000 chips
12 2 arrow_upward isjet123 46,065 tournament points 75,000 chips
13 1 arrow_downward Paul310 43,145 tournament points 75,000 chips
14 1 arrow_downward Billcanada 41,954 tournament points 75,000 chips
15 remove Supnzi 32,465 tournament points 75,000 chips
16 remove Little83Leroy 27,470 tournament points 75,000 chips
17 remove brassband54 24,857 tournament points 75,000 chips
- remove F1shNCh1ps 24,857 tournament points 75,000 chips
- remove Nickeled 24,857 tournament points 75,000 chips
20 remove MighteQuin 24,781 tournament points 75,000 chips
21 remove BrainMagic 20,977 tournament points -
22 remove 1530 19,786 tournament points -
- remove lloydo 19,786 tournament points -
- remove Roachmac 19,786 tournament points -
25 remove asc123 18,364 tournament points -
- remove glennyboy301 18,364 tournament points -
27 remove otros 15,906 tournament points -
28 remove bayBa 15,675 tournament points -
- remove JacknifeJohny 15,675 tournament points -
- remove OleRibo14 15,675 tournament points -
- remove RKYMTNHI 15,675 tournament points -
- remove Tz3sw0 15,675 tournament points -
33 remove 6962 14,484 tournament points -
- remove 69ofhearts 14,484 tournament points -
- remove crbruce 14,484 tournament points -
- remove gatocenizo 14,484 tournament points -
- remove I-fold-a-lot 14,484 tournament points -
- remove mausi22 14,484 tournament points -
- remove rockinabox 14,484 tournament points -
- remove Tbmadd 14,484 tournament points -
- remove vaskok 14,484 tournament points -
- remove Verp 14,484 tournament points -
43 remove Groose 12,986 tournament points -
- remove Power_poker40 12,986 tournament points -
45 remove dizzyrabbit3 11,795 tournament points -
- remove DocGatorDawg 11,795 tournament points -
- remove gonoolfool 11,795 tournament points -
- remove quiettalk 11,795 tournament points -
- remove _snowman_ 11,795 tournament points -
50 remove Antonio77722 10,604 tournament points -
- remove appa13 10,604 tournament points -
- remove bc69 10,604 tournament points -
- remove mrzick 10,604 tournament points -
- remove SUNKA58 10,604 tournament points -
- remove tallharry 10,604 tournament points -
56 remove Amygdala 9,182 tournament points -
- remove Brader1978 9,182 tournament points -
- remove cornhead 9,182 tournament points -
- remove fishstar12 9,182 tournament points -
- remove I_B_Em 9,182 tournament points -
- remove justlook 9,182 tournament points -
- remove kevinhugs 9,182 tournament points -
- remove MtAiryMnstr 9,182 tournament points -
- remove Reesepiece 9,182 tournament points -
- remove shooter2019 9,182 tournament points -
- remove SmittyBronx 9,182 tournament points -
- remove Trif000 9,182 tournament points -
68 remove AUkrw 6,493 tournament points -
- remove Axel1111 6,493 tournament points -
- remove bassfishing01 6,493 tournament points -
- remove Blue-Jeans 6,493 tournament points -
- remove cowboyfan127 6,493 tournament points -
- remove edmund53 6,493 tournament points -
- remove Eurylochos 6,493 tournament points -
- remove Eyezid 6,493 tournament points -
- remove heff3 6,493 tournament points -
- remove Jockular 6,493 tournament points -
- remove K-Mart905 6,493 tournament points -
- remove LarrysGreat48 6,493 tournament points -
- remove Litenin 6,493 tournament points -
- remove Pilotman 6,493 tournament points -
- remove puckstud 6,493 tournament points -
- remove richnow 6,493 tournament points -
- remove River_Runner 6,493 tournament points -
85 remove aknaipols 5,302 tournament points -
- remove B1uE3yeZ13 5,302 tournament points -
- remove bubbaloon 5,302 tournament points -
- remove Buizen2002 5,302 tournament points -
- remove chucknades 5,302 tournament points -
- remove fabvil 5,302 tournament points -
- remove jack702 5,302 tournament points -
- remove kelly57 5,302 tournament points -
- remove KRS 5,302 tournament points -
- remove raoul_duke69 5,302 tournament points -
- remove Wandaaa 5,302 tournament points -
- remove Woodgate 5,302 tournament points -
97 remove Dagwod87 - -