RWG #11 - Figure Skating

RWG #11 - Figure Skating

Welcome to day 11 of the Replay Winter Games. The Medal Table is getting intense, and today there are more opportunities to pick up a medal.

Can you pull of the triple Axel after a double Lutz? It will take some show stopping moves to pick up the gold today!

Join us Thursday, February 28th for Figure Skating! A series of six Mixed Limit Hold'em MTTs with 150,000 free chips added to each event!


| 000:30 ET | 04:30 ET | 08:30 ET | 12:30 ET | 16:30 ET | 20:30 ET |


| ML Holdem 150K Added | ML Holdem 150K Added | ML Holdem 150K Added | ML Holdem 150K Added | ML Holdem 150K Added | ML Holdem 150K Added |

If that was not enough, there are two leaderboards available for this event, each paying out 1,000,000 in free chips and medals are awarded for each leaderboard!


Leaderboard Prize Pool Prize Positions
Tournament Points 1,000,000 Free Chips Top 50
Knock Outs 1,000,000 Free Chips Top 50

MEDAL WINNERS LB Points: Gold - HeyPatrick | USA Silver - cas- | South Africa Bronze - Coastindude | USA

KOs: Gold - HeyPatrick | USA Silver - MEL_IFR | USA Bronze - bwise47 | USA

New to Texas Hold'em? Check out the exciting game rules at our Help link at the bottom of each Lobby and Dashboard page.