St Patrick's Saintly Skirmish 2024 - Weekly Wins LB

St Patrick's Saintly Skirmish 2024 - Weekly Wins LB

This weekly leaderboard is attached to the St Patrick's Saintly Skirmish 2024 promotion.

Running over the course of the week spanning 03/11 - 03/17, this leaderboard will pay out 2,000,000 chips to the top 50 players with the greatest total number of 1st places in our St Patrick's Saintly SnGs!

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit!


Final rankings for 2,315 players
1removeKatch28 Katch28
40 wins
400,000 chips
2removemscullins2 mscullins2
23 wins
280,000 chips
3removeGuyFromWA GuyFromWA
19 wins
200,000 chips
4removedingdong971 dingdong971
14 wins
140,000 chips
5removebrassband54 brassband54
13 wins
100,000 chips
6removeIllcallall Illcallall
12 wins
72,500 chips
-removeToza08 Toza08
12 wins
72,500 chips
8removeDeathPoker DeathPoker
11 wins
50,000 chips
-removegrapevine grapevine
11 wins
50,000 chips
10remove-o_V_o- -o_V_o-
10 wins
30,000 chips